
来源 :中国特种设备安全 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ysli
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近年来,随着我国经济社会的快速发展,城市化建设和工业发展迅猛,自升式塔式起重机由于其臂架铰接在较高的塔身上,可以自由回转,且臂架长度较大,结构轻巧,安装拆卸运输方便,工作效率高等特点,而被广泛用于工业、民用建筑、造船、电站设备安装、水工建设、港口和货运物料搬运等。由于一些安装和使用单位对塔式起重机的安装和拆卸工艺不熟悉,往往存在违章安装和拆卸,导致塔机安全事故时有发生。为此,本文对自升式塔式起重机在安装和拆卸中要着重引起注意的几个问 In recent years, with the rapid economic and social development in our country, urbanization and rapid industrial development, self-elevating tower cranes are freely swiveled due to their boom hinged on a taller tower, and the boom length is larger. Lightweight, easy installation and disassembly and transportation, high work efficiency, etc., and is widely used in industry, civil construction, shipbuilding, power plant equipment installation, hydraulic construction, port and cargo handling. Due to some installation and use units are not familiar with the tower crane installation and removal process, there are often illegal installation and disassembly, leading to tower crane safety accidents have occurred. To this end, this article on the jack-up tower crane in the installation and demolition to focus attention to ask a few questions
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