Uniform arrays of gold nanoparticles with different surface roughness for surface enhanced Raman sca

来源 :Chinese Chemical Letters | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:matlab_walker
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Uniform arrays of coarse and smooth gold nanoparticles with diameter about 130 nm were successfully synthesized through seed-mediated growth method, separately. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy(SEM and TEM) and X-ray diffraction(XRD) have been used to study the formation and structure of the nanocomposites. The high enhancement factor for surface-enhanced Raman scattering of coarse and smooth gold nanoparticles were estimated to be about 3.1 106 and 2.0 106,respectively. It is evident that the coarse gold nanostructures has higher influence factor than the smooth gold nanostructures. Therefore, these unique properties of the coarse Au nanoparticles appear to be very promising for applications as high-performance SERS substrates. Uniform arrays of coarse and smooth gold nanoparticles with diameter about 130 nm were successfully synthesized through seed-mediated growth method, separately. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) have been used to study the formation and structure of the nanocomposites. The high enhancement factor for surface-enhanced Raman scattering of coarse and smooth gold nanoparticles were estimated to be about 3.1 106 and 2.0 106, respectively. It is characterized that the coarse gold nanostructures have higher influence factor than the smooth Therefore, these unique properties of the coarse Au nanoparticles appear to be very promising for applications as high-performance SERS substrates.
伊丽莎白·潘特利在《家庭教育的8堂必修课》中写道:“没有人生来就知道如何当父母,就像没有人生来就懂得如何开车一样……”让我们跟随伊丽莎白的脚步,去学做一位成功的“驾驶员”——  那天早晨,谢伊达已经是第三次站在女儿的房间里了,试图把她唤醒。“尼基,宝贝儿,快点。你早就该起床了。”尼基嘟囔了一声,动了动,但没有做出起床的举动。谢伊达打开衣柜门。开始从柜子里为睡眼惺忪的女儿拿衣服,看到尼基像往常一样把
因为你身处高山, 所以名不见经传, 平原和山口早亦春色盎然, 你依然默默贮立山巅。 Because you are in the mountains, so unknown, the plain and Yamaguchi are also ea