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指示各专、市、县、工矿区人民政府五一年地方财政方案,系根据中央有关地方财政决定指示的精神,及本省具体情况。和一年来地方财政工作的经验,经和各有关部门协商研究,正式确定的。各地必须对受地方财政供给的机构,依此精神,积极加以整顿,认真的贯澈执行,并通过各种会议,总结五○年地方财政工作,宣传新方案精神,研究编造五一年概算,为了很好执行这一新方案,兹择其主要点,指示如下:一、地方财政收入方面,包括上年结转,农业税附加,工商税附加,公产,罚金,没收,契税,规费,证照,企业等收入。开支方面包括,行政费,文教费,生产事业费,交通事业费,卫生事业费,民兵费,财务费,预备费等项。经初步概算,收支相较,约亏一千余万斤,因此必须认识五一年度地方财政依然是最困难的一年,从收入看上,农业税附加,虽已征收百分之三十,但除依照中央规定,解上一部外,实际地 In accordance with the spirit of the Central Government’s directive on the decisions of the local governments and the specific conditions in the province, the local financial plans of the people’s governments at various prefectures, cities, counties and industrial and mining areas in May will be directed. And the experience of local financial work in the past year, which was formally confirmed through consultation with relevant departments. All localities must take an active role in rectifying this spirit and actively implement them in accordance with this spirit. Through various meetings, they have summed up the work of local finance in the past 50 years, publicized the spirit of the new program, studied the preparation of the proposed budget for May, In order to implement this new plan well, the following points are the main points: 1. Local revenue, including the carry-over of the previous year, the addition of agricultural tax, the addition of industrial and commercial taxes, public goods, fines, confiscation, deed tax, fees and licenses , Business and other income. Expenses include administrative fees, cultural and educational fees, production and business expenses, transportation costs, health services fees, militia fees, financial costs, prepaid expenses and other items. After a preliminary estimate, the revenue and expenditure will be on a loss of about 10 million pounds. Therefore, we must recognize that the local government will still be the most difficult year in 1991. From the point of view of income, although the agricultural tax has been levied at 30% However, in accordance with the Central Regulations, the solution to one, but in fact
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翻译:思苇    The Sunrise company, which is known for creating the legendary[传奇的] Mobile Suit Gundam注1 and other robot-themed anime, has released a new animated TV series titled Code Geass: Lelouch of the
  癫痫是最常见的儿童神经系统疾病,常常伴随着认知及行为障碍等共病.近年来,有研究提示拷贝数变异(copy number variation,CNV)与癫痫发病有着密切的联系.在本研究拟研究
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  CNV(Copy Number Variations,拷贝数变异)是人类遗传多样性的重要来源,它大量存在于人类基因组中.CNV可影响基因行使正常功能,进而影响对人类疾病的易感性甚至造成直接的