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某机手用一台工农-3型手扶拖拉机秋耕时,发现功率越来越小,最后减轻负荷也不能正常工作,且机体过热,连进气管也烫手。检查发现,供油时间过晚,把喷油泵下的调整垫片全都抽出,供油时间仍为0°左右。怀疑是柱塞副、油泵滚轮和凸轮轴过度磨损,于是将其全部换新件,装复检查供油提前角,仍在0°~5°。后进一步仔细检查,发现当盘动飞轮时,喷油泵出油口油面有倒吸现象,检查出油阀紧座处不漏油,拆下出油阀,发现出油阀副严重磨损,阀芯锥面上磨出深约0.5毫米的沟槽,导致高压油管内柴油回漏严重,剩余压力降低,从而造成供油时间始终过晚,无法调整。更换新出油阀后,供油提前角即达到18°,故障彻底排除。 When a tractor hands a tractor with worker-peasant-ad-type 3 autumn plowing, he finds that the power is getting smaller and smaller, and finally, the load can not be reduced to normal work, and the body is overheated, even the air intake pipe is also hot. Inspection found that the fuel supply time is too late, the fuel pump under the adjustment shims are all out, the fuel supply time is still 0 ° or so. Suspected to be deputy, pump roller and camshaft excessive wear and tear, so it will be all new pieces, loaded check the fuel supply advance angle, still 0 ° ~ 5 °. After a closer examination and found that when the disk drive flywheel, the fuel pump oil sucker face upside down phenomenon, check the oil valve seat is not tight, remove the oil valve and found the valve serious wear and tear, the valve The core conical surface grinding groove about 0.5 mm deep, resulting in high-pressure fuel pipe serious back leakage of diesel, reducing the remaining pressure, resulting in fuel supply time is always too late to adjust. Replacement of the new oil valve, the oil advance angle that reached 18 °, the failure completely ruled out.
哇,冬天到了,好想打雪仗、堆雪人呀!但是,我住的地方从来不下雪,别拦我,让我哭一会儿。不过最近我听说呀,用妈妈做清洁的小苏打就能做出雪人,那还不赶紧来试试?妈妈笑了,她告诉我,小苏打加水就变成一团糨糊,不能定型呀。好吧,我去找正在剃胡子的爸爸帮忙。咦,我好像有办法了……  材料  小苏打、剃须泡沫、手套、装饰雪人的小道具(彩色吸管、瓶盖、扣子什么的,随手找一些)  向塑料盒中挤入一部分绵柔的剃须泡
新年伊始,万象更新。在这辞旧迎新之际,《中国个体防护装备》杂志编辑部向社会各界朋友祝贺新年,祝您们在新的一年中工作顺利、身体健康! New year new life. On the occasi
现代建筑产业不断发展,各类材料不断更新,给排水中就涌现了不少新材料,如铝塑复合管。在此将就其特点,施工等进行简单阐述。 The continuous development of the modern con
采用粉末冶金法和 1 2 50℃、2 0 MPa× 2 .5h热压工艺制备 Ti Nb纤维强韧化 Ti- 48Al- 2 Cr- 2 Nb( TACN)基复合材料。测试了复合材料的高温拉伸性能。结果表明 ,复合材料的