关键在政府:加强领导 依法施教 统筹规划 政策引导

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改革开放以来,我国已经召开过三次全国职业教育工作会议,每次会议都对职业教育的改革与发展有很大促进。在我国经济持续稳定发展并正式加入WTO的新形势下,在我国的职业教育历经四年的调整,即将走出拐点,重拾升势的关键时刻,第四次全国职业教育工作会议,也是本世纪第一次全国职教工作会议即将召开,职教界的同志们出于对做好工作的紧迫感和使命感,对此普遍有着很多很高的期望,尤其希望这次会议对于新形势下职业教育改革与发展中的一些带动全局的问题,从政策上给予回答。研究职业教育,不能脱离中国的国情。我国还是一个社会主义初级阶段的发展中国家,主要处在工业化后期,区域经济发展不平衡,东部发达地区和中西部欠发达地区的差距十分明显,13亿人口中,80%在农村;按全国适龄人口受教育年限,平均不到9年;我国的经济结构、产业结构已经和正在发生巨大的深刻的变化;随着加入WTO,更大地开放国内市场、打入国际市场,我国经济将面临更多的机遇和更严峻的挑战,发展职业教育,加快提高劳动者素质、开发人力资源作为应对机遇与挑战的战略任务显得更为迫切。现在,从道理上讲职业教育的重要性已经毫无疑义,但重要的是要从政策上科学的确定;根据中国现有国情及生产力发展水平状况,中国教育结构应如何规划、职业教育应占多 Since the reform and opening up, China has held three sessions of the National Vocational Education Conference, each of which has greatly promoted the reform and development of vocational education. With the continuous development of economy in our country and the formal accession to the WTO, after a four-year vocational education adjustment in China, we are about to step out of the turning point and regain the key moment of upward trend. The Fourth National Conference on Vocational Education is also a milestone of this century The first national vocational education conference is about to be held. The comrades in the vocational education circles generally have many very high expectations for their sense of urgency and sense of mission in doing a good job. In particular, they hope that this conference will give more guidance to the professionals in the new situation Some problems in the education reform and development that have led the overall situation are answered in terms of policies. To study vocational education, we can not break away from China’s national conditions. Our country is still a developing country at the primary stage of socialism, which is mainly located in the later stage of industrialization. The regional economic development is uneven. The gap between developed eastern and developed areas in the central and western regions is quite clear. Among the 1.3 billion people, 80% are in rural areas; The average age of schooling population is less than 9 years. The economic structure and industrial structure of our country have undergone tremendous and profound changes. And with the accession to the WTO, the domestic market will be opened up more and the international market will be brought into full force. More opportunities and tougher challenges, it is even more urgent to develop vocational education, accelerate the improvement of the quality of workers, and develop human resources as a strategic task to meet the opportunities and challenges. Now, from the truth, the importance of vocational education has no doubt, but it is important to determine from the science of policy. According to China’s current national conditions and the level of development of productive forces, how to plan the structure of education in China, vocational education should be accounted for many