Parkin Somatic Mutations Link Melanoma and Parkinson's Disease

来源 :Journal of Genetics and Genomics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:czjjay
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Epidemiological studies suggest a direct link between melanoma and Parkinson’s disease(PD); however, the underlying molecular basis is unknown. Since mutations in Parkin are the major driver of early-onset PD and Parkin was recently reported to play a role in cancer development, we hypothesized that Parkin links melanoma and PD. By analyzing whole exome/genome sequencing of Parkin from 246 melanoma patients, we identified five non-synonymous mutations, three synonymous mutations, and one splice region variant in Parkin in3.6% of the samples. In vitro analysis showed that wild-type Parkin plays a tumor suppressive role in melanoma development resulting in cell-cycle arrest, reduction of metabolic activity, and apoptosis. Using a mass spectrometry-based analysis, we identified potential Parkin substrates in melanoma and generated a functional protein association network. The activity of mutated Parkin was assessed by protein structure modeling and examination of Parkin E3 ligase activity. The Parkin-E28 K mutation impairs Parkin ubiquitination activity and abolishes its tumor suppressive effect. Taken together, our analysis of genomic sequence and in vitro data indicate that Parkin is a potential link between melanoma and Parkinson’s disease. Our findings suggest new approaches for early diagnosis and treatment against both diseases. Epidemiological studies suggest a direct link between melanoma and Parkinson’s disease (PD); however, the underlying molecular basis is unknown. Since mutations in Parkin are the major driver of early-onset PD and Parkin was recently reported to play a role in cancer development, we hypothesized that Parkin links melanoma and PD. By analyzing whole exome / genome sequencing of Parkin from 246 melanoma patients, we identified five non-synonymous mutations, three synonymous mutations, and one splice region variant in Parkin in 3.6% of the samples. In vitro analysis showed that wild-type Parkin plays a tumor suppressive role in melanoma development resulting in cell-cycle arrest, reduction of metabolic activity, and apoptosis. Using a mass spectrometry-based analysis, we identified potential Parkin substrates in melanoma and generated a functional activity of mutated Parkin was assessed by protein structure modeling and examination of Parkin E3 ligase activity . The Parkin-E28 K mutation impairs Parkin ubiquitination activity and abolishes its tumor suppressive effect. Taken together, our analysis of genomic sequence and in vitro data indicate that Parkin is a potential link between melanoma and Parkinson’s disease. Our findings suggest new approaches for early diagnosis and treatment against both diseases.
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还来不及把夏花的芳雅贊扬  秋歌就在我的耳畔高唱  一芷飘洒的长裙  被秋风吹出了似音符的波浪  你激起了那一缕秋波  把我的思绪翻腾荡漾  你吹动树叶沙沙作响  唱着我满腹的惆怅  就像一只孤雁 独自在江边游逛  你把这满目的美景  披上了一层秋愁的凄凉  心不在焉双眼迷 懒懒地靠在长椅上  眺望着白云  目送秋风把它带向远方  秋风啊 你能不能  把我的万千思念捎上  化作它方飘落的黄叶  倾
目的:   观察小剂量糖皮质激素辅助治疗胸片呈大片状影的小儿肺炎支原体肺炎(MPP)的疗效。   方法:   将MPP胸部X线(胸片)表现为大片状影患儿64例随机分为2组,均给予常