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江泽民总书记曾反复强调:“创新是一个民族的灵魂,是一个国家兴旺发达的不竭动力,也是一个政党永葆生机的源泉”。值此党的十六大召开前夕,如何为党的十六大营造良好舆论氛围,动员、鼓舞、凝聚、激励全市人民以饱满的政治热情、优异的工作成绩迎接十六大召开,具有深远和现实意义。北京晚报为此陆续推出《速读金秋北京》和《速读国家数字》等系列报道,反响热烈,获得好评。实践证明工作性报道、成就性报道只要充满激情地投入一样会增彩出色,成为新闻报道的亮点。这一系列报道是北京晚报继迎接建国50周年、改革开放20年、建党80周年等成就宣传战役后又面临的新课题。如何做好迎接十六大报道破题之解就是要创新,进行有益的尝试。概括起来有高、大、全、深、新、实、严、近、品、赢十个方面。 General Secretary Jiang Zemin has repeatedly stressed: “Innovation is the soul of a nation, an inexhaustible motive force for the prosperity of a country, and a source for its political parties to maintain their vitality.” On the eve of the 16th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, how to create a good atmosphere for public opinion at the 16th CPC National Congress, mobilize, inspire and unite with them to inspire the people in the city to greet the 16th CPC National Congress with full political enthusiasm and outstanding achievements, Realistic meaning. For this purpose, Beijing Evening Post launched a series of articles, including “Quick Autumn Reading in Beijing” and “Quick Reading of National Figures”, which received warm feedback and received favorable comments. Practice has proved that working reports, as long as the success of the report as passionate investment will increase the outstanding color, a highlight of the news. This series of reports is a new topic that Beijing Evening Post still faces after its propaganda campaign, such as the 50th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, 20 years of reform and opening up, and the 80th anniversary of the founding of the party. How to do a good job in meeting the resolutions of the 16th National Congress is to make innovations and make helpful attempts. To sum up there are high, big, all, deep, new, real, strict, near, product, win ten aspects.
论述了企业管理的理念与职业教育理念的共性,介绍了企业管理理念在班主任工作中的具体实践。 It discusses the commonalities between the concept of enterprise manageme
目的:观察经营养风险筛查(Nutritional Risk Screening, NRS)后的营养支持对腹部外科病人临床结局的影响。   方法:定点连续抽取徐医附院两个普外科病区中符合纳入标准的腹部外
几千年来  人类倾听的方式一直在变  野草般意犹未尽 被音乐剪去枝蔓  又与候鸟 孩子们共生  当风歌唱时 女人早已泪流满面  也许 我们可以有另外的解释  记忆是把粗健的刻刀  讓岁月抚摸 那些伤痕的青烟  把天空打扫得干净  此刻 奔跑的大地上  花朵还未睡去  北风接受了基因的平凡  季节停止了淡淡的倦  浓缩着一切  昨天 怀揣信仰如此深远
目的:鉴定p53过表达对Ki-67基因核心启动子活性的影响并探索其转录调控机制。   方法:使用ICH和RT-PCR技术检测p53对Ki-67基因表达的影响;双荧光素酶活性检测技术鉴定48小时
目的:  对不同颈椎后路单开门椎管扩大成形术术后的疗效及术后相关并发症进行对比分析,并对其原因进行探讨。  方法:  回顾性分析我院从2009年5月至2012年6月采用颈椎后路
那天海的震怒  让马儿命运轨迹骤转  结局并不完美  且违背了许多人的善愿  有人为此长叹 我却拍掌相庆  让它们疯狂一回吧  去救赎身上曾经流淌着的狂野  追寻先辈的荣耀和足迹  完成生命的轮回  一些人嗅到了商机  他们把马儿推向了封神台  用重金请人画像 供奉起來  还听说 要在海边给马儿树碑立像  海面已恢复平静  那两匹马终会被别的马儿们替代  关于马儿救人的新闻还在流传  我却关心起了