
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hopehappy501
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随着国家用工制度改革和人才资源配置机制的改变、高校扩招、社会多渠道办学,造成高素质适龄青年基数减少。以及优抚安置政策与个人利益需求差距较大等问题的出现,都增加了征兵工作的难度。因此,依法开展征兵工作显得尤为重要。一、加大宣传教育力度,营造依法征兵之势征兵的宣传教育应作为全民国防教育和普法教育的重要内容,统一规划,统一部署。兵役机关应积极会同当地宣传、教育、文化、新闻单位以及工、青、妇等单位加大对适龄青年的宣传教育力度。在 With the reform of the national employment system and the changes in the allocation mechanism of human resources, universities have expanded their enrollment and schools have run their schools in multiple channels, resulting in a decrease in the number of high-quality middle-aged youth. As well as the emergence of issues such as the large gap between the special care and relocation policies and the interests of individuals, all contribute to the difficulty of conscription work. Therefore, conscription work according to law is particularly important. First, to step up publicity and education efforts and to create a conscription force that is capable of conscription in accordance with the law Publicity and education should serve as an important part of the national defense education and legal education for all, and should be unifiedly planned and unifiedly deployed. The organs of military service should actively promote publicity and education of young people of working age with propaganda, education, culture and information units as well as units including industry, youth and women. in
一、荃础知识与运用(20分) 1.根据拼音写汉字,给加点字注音。(4分) tori( 藩篱( )部 zh色()皱 2.下列词语 A.浑浊 B.蟾蛤 C.繁衍 D.沟壑- )千娜{) 中有错别字的一组是( 潮灯(
;2颠趟-;…;ttt$38?全国主要经济统计指标(1991年12月) ; 2 trip -; ...; ttt $ 38? National Economic Indicators (December 1991)
Being a fashion designer[时装设计师]has rapidly become one of the most sought after[追求]careers,recently surpassing[超过]the age-old staple[主要成分]of being a