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在“建设和谐文化”上升为国家战略的大背景下召开的文代会和作代会,标志着中国文化建设迎来了又一个“春天”“当今时代,文化在综合国力竞争中的地位日益重要。谁占据了文化发展的制高点,谁就能够更好地在激烈的国际竞争中掌握主动权。”胡锦涛总书记在八次文代会和七次作代会上的讲话,指出了文化在国家发展中的战略地位。11月10日-14日在北京召开的中国文联第八次全国代表大会和中国作协第七次全国代表大会,是中共十六大以来最重要的文艺界盛会。文化界权威人士认为,“两代会”是在“建设和谐文化”上升为国家战略的大背景下召开的,胡锦涛等党和国家领导人与会并发表讲话,其意义已经超出文艺界的工作范畴,标志着中国文化建设迎来了又一个“春天”。 In the context of “Building a Harmonious Culture” as the national strategy, the convening of the National Assembly and the Congress of Congresses indicates that the building of Chinese culture ushers in yet another “spring.” “Nowadays, the increasingly prominent position of culture in the overall national strength competition Who occupy the commanding height of cultural development, who can better grasp the initiative in the fierce international competition. ”General Secretary Hu Jintao’s speech in the eight congresses and seven on behalf of the Congress, pointed out that the development of culture in the country In the strategic position. The 8th National Congress of the Chinese Literary Federation and the 7th National Congress of the Chinese Writers’ Association held in Beijing on November 10 and 14 are the most important literary and artistic events since the 16th CPC National Congress. The authoritative figures in the cultural circles hold the view that the “two congresses” were convened under the background that “building a harmonious culture” has risen into a national strategy. The speech made by Hu Jintao and other party and state leaders and their speeches has already exceeded the scope of work of the literary and art circles , Marking another Chinese culture construction ushered in “spring.”
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