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又是一个春暖花开的季节,但冬的脚步却迟迟不舍离去。“瑞雪兆丰年”,在这个还纷飞着雪花的春天中,《首届北方陶艺展》圆满地落下了帷幕。这次由我们鲁迅美术学院工业设计系陶艺专业组织并承办的《首届北方陶艺展》得到了鲁迅美术学院各部门的大力支持和帮助, 在此真诚地感谢给予这次展览以帮助的各位老师和同学。陶艺是一个让人亲近的领域,是独具品格的艺术门类。无论是现代陶艺还是传统陶艺都是如此,它象离失多年的亲人,突然回到了我们的身边,虽然乡音已改,洋装加身,我们却仍可辨其童年容貌。 80年代初期现代陶艺的粗略印象,也是我们中国人内心抹不去的陶瓷情结。 It is also a spring season, but the pace of winter has been slow to leave. “Ruixue Mega Year”, in this also flying snow in the spring, the “First Northern Pottery Exhibition” successfully concluded. This time, the “First Northern Pottery Exhibition” organized and hosted by the ceramic arts department of the Department of Industrial Design of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts has received the strong support and help from all departments of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts. We sincerely thank all the teachers who helped to give this exhibition and Classmate Pottery is a close field, is a unique art category. Whether it is modern pottery or traditional pottery are so, it is like missing relatives for many years, suddenly returned to our side, although the accent has been changed, the dress plus body, we still can identify their childhood appearance. The rough impression of modern ceramic art in the early 1980s is also the ceramic complex that our Chinese people can not erase.
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观古今书画作口,作品与作品之间总有这样那样或多或少的联系,这叫师承,或叫学习、借鉴。有时候, 干脆就直接模仿,直接模仿西方,模仿西方当代艺术,就自命不凡地充当 View anc
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