幽深语境 宏阔气象——读宋源文先生的风景版画

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在中国承前启后的一代版画家中,宋源文的贡献是多方面的:作为中央美术学院版画系主任,他曾为建设具有中国特色的版画教育教学体系进行了不懈的探索与努力;作为中国版画家协会与中国美协版画艺委会的主要负责人,在新时期以来各大版画活动的组织领导方面倾注了大量的精力,引领与助推了中国版画的健康发展;在创作方面,作为我国风景版画的代表画家之一,在语言的锤炼、意境的开掘、抒情风格的求索中将黑白风景版画推向高端。而他在创作、教学之余又勤于思考,在其撰写的50余篇文章中,既有对教学实践及规律的总结、探求,又有对版画现状的评析、梳理,尤其是站在学理高度对版画的文化使命、精神品格等问题的思索,对于版画的发展及版画理论建设均具积极意义。本文仅对其版画创作谈谈我个人的理解。 Among the pioneering Chinese print artists, Song Yuanwen made contributions in many aspects: As director of the Department of Printmaking at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, he has made unremitting efforts to explore and establish a print education system with Chinese characteristics. As a member of the Association of Chinese Print Engravers and The main responsible persons of the China Artists Association’s Graphic Arts Committee have devoted a great deal of energy in the organization and leadership of the major printmaking activities since the new era, leading and promoting the healthy development of Chinese printmaking. As for the creative landscape, On behalf of one of the painter, in the language of temper, artistic exploration, lyric style of the black and white landscape prints will be pushed to the high end. In addition to his writing and teaching, he diligently pondered on more than 50 articles written by him. He not only summarized and probed into the teaching practice and law, but also reviewed and sorted out the status quo of printmaking, especially at the height of academic study Print cultural mission, spiritual character and other issues of thinking, for the development of printmaking and printmaking theory are of positive significance. This article only talk about my own printmaking creation.
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