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传媒频频爆光名人们或交税或逃税的消息,做为一介草民,我们虽不至于被人后面追着要千八百万的税,可是心里有本帐,倒底哪些收入得上税,还是大有必要的。 个人所得税是向个人(即自然人)所得征收的一种税。它于1799年在英国创立,目前已是世界各国普遍征收的一 The media have repeatedly exposed celebrities or people who pay tax or tax evasion. As an intermediary, we will not be left behind chasing after tax at a rate of 18,000,000. However, there is this account in our heart. Greatly necessary. Personal income tax is a tax levied on individuals (that is, natural persons). It was founded in the United Kingdom in 1799 and is now one of the most commonly levied in all countries in the world
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风景税 近来,美国加州小镇外尼密,因为政府收支每年入不敷出,创立了一个新税目“风景税”,规定凡是住在海滨,住宅面向海洋的住户,每年须交税66~184美元。 开窗税 古希腊规定,
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自1994年机构分设以来,金湖县国家税务局紧紧围绕经济工作这个中心,充分发挥国税部门的职能优势,不断加强税收管理,积极推进依法治税。 几年来,该局已累计组织入库工商税收3
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