十年创业 十年凯歌

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1983年,改革开放的浩荡春风吹遍了祖国大地,也吹进了福建泉州原晋江专署旧楼三楼的一间小办公室,这就是中国泉州国际经济技术合作公司的前身。国家没有拨给资金或提供项目,公司是靠五个人、五张旧桌子起家,资金、项目、人才、信息等方面无不困难重重。然而,大家仍然信心百倍,坚信公司发展具有极有利的条件:改革开放的路线、方针和政策,加上泉州华侨多、渠道广、信息灵,劳务资源丰富,人员素质较好,技术门类齐全,从事国际经济技术合作事业是可以大有作为的。中泉公司首先选择承包工程和劳务合作作为公司业务发展的突破口。1983年3月,在上级的支持下,公司在澳门注册成立了华泉工程有限公司,开始分包单项工程。同年7月,公司与香港远洋船务有限公司签 In 1983, the mighty spring breeze of reform and opening up blew across the land of the motherland, and it also blew into a small office on the third floor of the original Jinjiang Agency building in Quanzhou, Fujian. This was the predecessor of China’s Quanzhou International Economic and Technical Cooperation Corporation. The country did not allocate funds or provide projects. The company started with five people and five old tables. The funds, projects, talents, information and other aspects were all difficult. However, everyone is still confident and confident that the development of the company has extremely favorable conditions: the line, policies, and policies for reform and opening up, coupled with Quanzhou’s large number of overseas Chinese, a wide range of channels, and information, abundant labor resources, good personnel, and a complete range of technologies. There are many things that can be done in the undertaking of international economic and technological cooperation. Zhongquan Company first selected contracted projects and labor service cooperation as a breakthrough for the company’s business development. In March 1983, with the support of superiors, the company registered Huaquan Engineering Co., Ltd. in Macau and began subcontracting individual projects. In July of the same year, the company signed with Hong Kong Ocean Shipping Co., Ltd.
伊里亚·菲莫维奇·列宾(1844~1930),俄国批叛现实主义画家。早年随圣像画师学画圣像,1864年进入皇家美术学院。1870~1873年创 Iria Philipphine Repin (1844-1930), Russia i