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章学诚的目录学理论成就历来为目录学界称羡不置。专家们的意见对此基本上是一致的。分歧点主要在于章氏的目录学认识问题及其互著别裁的起源问题。笔者认为:如果将章氏的目录学理论与其哲学思想、文史思想联系起来加以考察,并通过章氏的史籍分类之实践来展示其目录学思想,或许可以拓宽研究角度,有助于深入进行探讨。但是,笔者并不打算阐发章氏学术思想的全部内涵,而是以章氏学术思想之间的关联作为线索,来揭示章氏目录学思想的根源,从而使我们能较为客观地看待章 Zhang Chengcheng’s theory of bibliography has always been the envy of catalog scholars. The opinions of experts are basically the same. The point of disagreement mainly lies in Zhang’s understanding of bibliography and the origin of his dissent. The author believes that if Zhang’s theory of bibliography is linked with his philosophical thinking and literature and historical thought and his bibliographical thinking is demonstrated through Zhang’s classification of historical books, it may be helpful to further explore the theory of bibliography . However, the author does not intend to elucidate the whole connotation of Zhang’s academic thoughts. Instead, he uses the connection between Zhang’s academic thoughts as a clue to reveal the root causes of Zhang’s ideology of bibliography, so that we can view the chapters objectively
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患者24岁,第二胎足月妊娠入院分娩,早孕约停经35d,感冒、发烧、咳嗽、流涕1周,未治自愈,停经4~+月有胎动感,妊娠过程无药物治疗史,第一胎足月顺产一女婴,3岁,健在。 查体:T3
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