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名著缩编精华本和名人语录集像杂食铺里卖的现成包装瓜子仁,免你花时间去读,直接剥好装好,省了嗑瓜子吐壳的工夫。这时代嘛,人民有极大的名人名言需求。大师们的语录,如有长一点的,也得砍头去尾,剩百来字,以便符合微博和签名栏。康德和黑格尔的著作,仿佛巍如山岳的大块五花肉,还是架不住语录党,能从里面挑出许多细筋碎骨,来供给人民日常需求、当牛肉干嚼。语录体好处,在于言简意赅。字短了不容易说全面,常是去了前因后果的断语。但断语最易哄人,且有警醒意味。而且语录体有大 The famous essence and famous celebrity quotations are sold in ready-made packages like omnivorous shops. You don’t need to spend time to read them, you can simply peel them off, and you save time and effort. In this era, the people have a great demand for famous celebrities. If the quotations of the masters are longer, they must be hacked and headed to the end to leave a hundred words in order to comply with the Weibo and signature columns. The writings of Kant and Hegel are like large chunks of pork in the mountains, or they cannot stand up to the vocabulary of the party. They can pick out many fine bones and bones from the inside to supply the daily needs of the people and to chew the beef. The advantages of quotations are concise and concise. It is not easy to say that the word is short, and it is often a decisive language that goes to the cause and effect. However, it is the most prone to deterrence and alertness. And there is a large quotation body
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再次回到北京已经是傍晚时候了,  马不停蹄回到村里,村委会只剩下七十多岁的看门大爷。  简单收拾一下,我又迫不及待打听这些天的情况。  大爷的地契  大爷坐在台阶上,我就在地上随便扯了块纸,也坐下。这是春末的傍晚,夕阳暖暖地照着平静祥和的小院,我仰着头听这个平静祥和的老人家,讲述一个不那么平静的事儿。那点温度,又把我带回了二十多年前,也是这样的小院,这样的傍晚,我的爷爷也在给我讲他的故事。  爷爷
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