贾樟柯×杜海滨 纪录片可以呈现真实吗?

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上世纪九十年代初DV出现,令不少人可以自己进行电影拍摄,也令中国纪录片在此时开始崛起,从民间发展至电视台,俨然成为一种默默进行中的社会运动,拍摄纪录片、研究纪录片的组织也纷纷成立,产量大增。人们借此纪录社会的各种面貌,纪录片也成为了中国独立电影重要的一部分。透过这一段时期的纪录片,我们可以更加了解中国社会在这三十年间的急速发展和变化。而在社会越来越走向商业化、电影越来越工业化的今天,这些独立性质的纪录片确实为理解我们这个时代提供了另一种视野和角度,并在外国各大影展上屡获殊荣。近年,纪录片的题材和表现手法更多样化,许多混合真实纪录、虚构、重演、戏剧演出等元素的作品纷纷出现。美国导演迈克尔·摩亚(Michael Moore)的作品更为纪录片重新下定义,其制作手法影响深远。一直以来,纪录片都被认为是捕捉真实世界人、事、物的一种电影类型。但什么是纪录片,该如何为其下定义,至今仍争议不休,众说纷纭。首个以“纪录片”一词来描述非剧情电影的,是英国纪录片之父约翰·格里尔逊(John Grierson),他认为纪录片应当是“对真实事物做一种有创意的处理”。但问题是:何谓“真实”?如何呈现这种“真实”?无论在中国或外国,研究纪录片都离不开关于“真实”的讨论。贾樟柯、杜海滨、迈克尔·摩亚这三个导演,通过纪录片呈现真实的方式便截然不同。通过贾樟柯和杜海滨面对面的交谈,继而剖析迈克尔·摩亚的作品,对于纪录片的本质和表现手法等各方面,大众可能会有深入的认知。 DV appeared in the early nineties of the last century, so many people can do their own filming, but also the Chinese documentary began to rise at this time, from folk to television, has become a silent ongoing social movement, documentary filming, research Documentary organizations also have set up, output soared. People use it to record all aspects of society. Documentary films have also become an important part of Chinese independent films. Through the documentaries of this period, we can learn more about the rapid development and changes of Chinese society over the past 30 years. Today, as society becomes more and more commercialized and films become more and more industrialized, these independent documentaries indeed provide us with a different perspective and perspective on understanding our times and have won numerous awards at major foreign film festivals. In recent years, documentaries have become more diversified in theme and expression. Many works combining elements such as real records, fiction, reenactment and dramatic performances have appeared. American director Michael Moore’s work is more documentary redefined, its production methods far-reaching. Documentary films have long been regarded as a genre of movies that capture people, things and things in the real world. However, what is a documentary and how to define it is still debated endlessly. The first documentary to describe non-storyline movies as “documentary” was John Grierson, the father of British documentaries, who said the documentary should be “an innovative approach to real things ”. However, the question is: What is “real”? How to present such a “real”? There is no discussion of “true” research documentaries in both China and foreign countries. Jia Zhangke, Du Haibin, Michael Moa these three directors, through the documentary showing the true way is completely different. Through the face-to-face conversation between Jia Zhangke and Du Haibin, and then the analysis of Michael Moore’s work, the general public may have in-depth knowledge of the nature of the documentary and the ways of expression.
今天我们一行七人来到海南博鳌,开始了快乐的寒假之旅。n  一下飞机,我就迫不及待地飞奔到海边,和哥哥一起堆沙堡。我们选好各自的“领地”,先挖一个洞,然后用力往外扒。洞口越
利用长江下游平原 10个样点 196 0~ 1997年的逐日气象资料 ,分析了近 40年来小麦生长季的气候变化特点 ;根据GISSTransientB模型的有关网格点值 ,展望了研究区域未来 5 0年气