
来源 :吉林政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:coolfish_dj
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第一条吉林省各界人民代表会议依民主集中制原则进行之。第二条大会一切事宜由代表推选廿一人组成主席团主持之。第三条大会须有二分之一以上代表出席,始得开会。第四条到会代表均有发言权与表决权。第五条大会议案须经出席代表二分之一以上通过,始得作为决议。第六条各种提案须经提案审查委员会负责审查整理,并将结果,向大会报告。第七条提案人如对原案有修改或补充时,须经主席许可,如欲撤消原提案时,须经联署人或附议人同意。第八条提交大会讨论之提案,主席认为必要时得请原提案人说明理由。第九条大会讨论时,代表发言,须先报清姓名号数,经主席许可。如有两位以上代表同时要求发言者,由主席视其发言次数多少 Article 1 The people’s congress of all walks of life in Jilin Province shall be conducted in accordance with the principle of democratic centralism. Article 2 All matters of the General Assembly shall be presided over by a presidium of representatives elected by the presidium. Article 3 The Congress shall have more than one half of the representatives present and shall have a meeting. Article 4 All representatives to the session have the right to speak and vote. Article 5 The motion of the meeting shall be approved by more than one-half of the representatives present and shall be passed as a resolution. Article 6 Various proposals shall be examined and sorted by the proposal review committee and the result shall be reported to the General Assembly. Article 7 Proponents who modify or supplement the original bill shall be subject to the permission of the chairman. If they wish to withdraw the original proposal, they shall be subject to the consent of the signatory or the author. Article 8 Proposals submitted to the General Assembly for discussion, the chairman deems it necessary to request the original sponsor to explain the reasons. Article 9 During the discussion in the conference, if the delegate speaks, he shall first make a clear declaration of the name and number, with the permission of the chairman. If two or more delegates also ask for the speaker, the chairman will consider the number of speakers
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我叫谢川周,是三千南侨机工中最年轻的一员。 1939年春,马来亚太平埠街上,人们熙熙攘攘。突然,一位同胞跳到街边高台上,慷慨激昂地演讲。他号召华侨青年参加机工服务团回国