
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ljdoctor
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为促进军事经济学科的发展和军事经济科研水平的提高,根据国家和军队科技成果奖励办法的有关规定,结合军事经济研究中心实际情况,特制定本办法。一、指导思想以马克思主义、毛泽东思想为指导,坚持军事经济研究为我军现代化建设和教学服务的方针,奖励在科研中取得显著成绩的集体和个人,以促进研究人员不断进取,多出好成果,为繁荣军事经济理论和提高军事经济工作水平做出更大贡献。二、奖励范围 1.凡本中心成员研制的军事经济科研成果,所有权属申报者个人或集体的,在本期评奖 In order to promote the development of the discipline of military economics and raise the level of scientific research in the military economy, the present Measures have been formulated in accordance with the relevant provisions of the State and military awards for scientific and technological achievements and the actual conditions of the military economic research center. First, the guiding ideology Marxism and Mao Zedong Thought as a guide, adhere to the military economic research for the modernization of our military and teaching services guidelines, awards in scientific research have made remarkable achievements in the collective and individuals to promote researchers keep making progress, more good Achievements, make greater contributions to the prosperity of the military economic theory and the improvement of military and economic work. Second, the scope of the award 1. Where the center members of the military economic research and development achievements, the ownership of the individual or collective declaration of the applicant, in the current award
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