开环保安全咨询服务之先河 创国际著名企业品牌之形象──ERM中国公司董事总经理王勇访谈录

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经济发展在人类社会的进步中起着决定性的作用。但是,经济发展的同时也带来了人口不断增长、资源急剧消耗、生态日趋破坏等问题,环境保护进而逐步成为整个社会所关注的焦点,也成为直接影响社会稳定发展的因素之一。化工、医药行业历来是环保与安全的重点行业,在中国加入WTO、人类迈入新千年之际,珍视环境、安全、健康,化工、医药行业才能步入可持续性发展之路。为此,本刊将从本期起与环境资源管理(中国)公司(简称ERM中国)联合开设“环保与安全”专栏,系统介绍国内外最新环保技术与环境管理理念、国家宏观环境政策、 ISO14000环境管理体系的认证、企业环保安全实际经验等方面的成果与动态。 环境资源管理集团(简称ERM)是全球最大的环境、安全、健康管理咨询公司,多年来该公司在环保与安全领域中颇有建树。本刊记者最近专访了ERM中国公司的董事总经理王勇博士,请他介绍ERM公司的现状与发展前景,阐述对环保与安金的独到的见解。现将采访内容发表于此,仅作“环保与安全”专栏的引文,以飨读者。 Economic development plays a decisive role in the progress of human society. However, economic development has also brought about problems such as the continuous increase of population, rapid consumption of resources, and increasingly destructive ecology. Environmental protection has gradually become the focus of attention of the entire society and has also become one of the factors that directly affect the stable development of the society. The chemical and pharmaceutical industry has always been a key industry in environmental protection and safety. When China enters the WTO and humanity enters a new millennium, it cherishes the environment, safety, and health. The chemical and pharmaceutical industries can enter the road of sustainable development. To this end, this issue will be launched from the current period with the Environmental Resources Management (China) Corporation (referred to as ERM China) jointly set up “Environmental Protection and Safety” column, the system introduced the latest environmental protection technology and environmental management concepts at home and abroad, the national macro-environmental policy, ISO14000 Achievements and developments in environmental management system certification, corporate environmental safety and practical experience, etc. The Environmental Resources Management Group (ERM) is the world’s largest environmental, safety, and health management consulting company. Over the years, the company has made significant achievements in the field of environmental protection and safety. The reporter recently interviewed Dr. Wang Yong, the managing director of ERM China, and asked him to introduce the current situation and development prospects of ERM and explain the unique views on environmental protection and Anjin. The contents of the interview are now published here. Only the citations for the “Environmental Protection and Safety” column are for readers.
目的探讨宫内感染与胎母输血综合征(feto-maternal hemorrhage,FMH)的相关性及围产儿预后。方法所有研究对象产前检测母血胎儿红细胞酸脱(Kleihaue-Betke,KB)实验和产后脐动脉血常