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物理被普遍认为是最难学的课程之一,甚至在学习物理之前,学生就带着一种惧怕心理。为什么呢?除智力因素外,缺乏科学积极的情感也是十分重要的原因。在教学中我们必须切实去想办法调动学生的情感。这首先要求热爱学生,这既是教师应具备的职业道德,又是培养学生良好情绪情感的教育手段和教育力量。高尔基曾说过“只有爱孩子的人,他才可以教育孩子”。教育实践表明,教师只有爱学生才会受到学生的爱戴与信任,学生才会向你敞开心扉。我们要以平和、愉快、友好和鼓励的方式对待学生,让学生感受到教师的喜爱、信任、关注和赞扬,并使学生在这种满足中自我发展,激发出上进的力量和信心。课堂教学往往注重老师和学生间的知识输出与输入,其实也应该注重老师和学生间情感交流。新课程改革中的一个主要内容就是强调要加强情感教育.那么,如何在物理教学中渗透情感教育呢?本文是我在教学过程中总结的几点看法。 Physics is generally regarded as one of the most difficult courses to learn, and even before studying physics students have a fear of psychology. Why? In addition to intellectual factors, the lack of scientific and positive emotions is also very important reason. In teaching we must think of ways to mobilize the students’ feelings. This first requires the love of students, which is not only the professional ethics teachers should have, but also to cultivate good emotional emotions of students, educational tools and education. Gorky once said “Only children who love children can he educate their children.” Educational practice shows that teachers only love students will be loved and trusted by students, students will open your heart to you. We will treat our students in a peaceful, happy, friendly and encouraging way. Students will be encouraged to feel their love, trust, attention and praise. Students will be encouraged to develop themselves and inspire their superiority and confidence in this kind of fulfillment. Classroom teaching tends to focus on knowledge output and input between teachers and students, in fact, should pay attention to emotional exchanges between teachers and students. One of the main contents of the new curriculum reform is to emphasize the need to strengthen the emotional education.Then, how to infiltrate the emotional education in the physics teaching? This article is what I summed up in the teaching process.
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中国雕塑的兴衰是一个中国文化之谜。为什么中国雕塑中道衰落?为什么中国没有留下雕塑理论?为什么古人一直没有把雕塑看做一门艺术? 如果与中国绘画相比较,也许能看得更清楚
<正> 自1969年发现超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)以后,自由基(free radicals,FR)毒性作用渐为人们认识。近年,FR研究进展迅速,证明它参与感染、炎症、休克、肿瘤、再灌注损伤等的发生