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中国白垩纪大陆科学钻探松科1井连续钻取嫩江组一、二段岩心长295.53m,岩心收获率为97.45%,是迄今获取的最连续完整的沉积记录。文章对此进行了厘米级沉积地质描述(分层厚度2~5cm)。嫩江组一、二段沉积时期与晚三冬—早坎潘期对应。通过对松科1井嫩江组一、二段岩心的精细描述,揭示其岩性-岩相-旋回的沉积序列及其过程。嫩江组一、二段共识别出12种岩石类型,为半深湖-深湖亚相的白云岩沉积、泥灰岩沉积、灰质泥岩沉积、油页岩沉积、浊流沉积、深湖静水泥和火山灰沉积等7种沉积微相。在岩相序列上识别出5种共213个米级旋回(六级旋回)、54个五级旋回、12个四级旋回和2个三级旋回。连续的组段厘米级刻画为高精度沉积过程研究提供了可能,嫩江组一、二段全井段取心对松辽盆地缺氧事件、烃源岩及湖海沟通事件的研究具有重要意义。该文的精细描述资料为今后相关的深入研究提供了迄今最精准的基本地质素材。 The Cretaceous Continental Scientific Drilling Songke-1 well drilled consecutively the first and second sections of the Nenjiang Formation with a core length of 295.53m and a core harvest rate of 97.45%. It is the most complete and complete sedimentary record so far obtained. The article carried out centimeter-level sedimentary geological description (layered thickness of 2 ~ 5cm). The first and second periods of Nenjiang Formation sedimentary period correspond with late winter and early winter period. Through the detailed description of the cores of the first and second sections of Nenjiang Formation in Songke-1 well, the lithologic-lithofacies-cycle sedimentary sequence and its process are revealed. There are 12 types of rocks identified in the first and second sections of the Nenjiang Formation. They are dolomite sediments, marl sediments, limestone sediments, oil shale deposits, turbidite sediments, deep lake static cements And volcanic ash deposition of seven kinds of sedimentary microfacies. A total of 213 m-scale cycles (six-stage cycles), 54 fifth-stage cycles, 12 fourth-stage cycles and two third-level cycles were identified on the facies sequences. The successive centimeter-level characterization of the segment provides the possibility for the study of high-precision sedimentation process. The coring of the whole well in the first and second sections of the Nenjiang Formation is of great significance for the study on the anoxia events, source rocks and the communication between the lake and sea in the Songliao Basin. The detailed description of the article provides the most accurate basic geological material to date for further relevant research.
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1995年8月28日3:25,江阴商检局三楼金属实验室内正在使用的氧气瓶发生了激烈的爆炸。这次爆炸使20多万美元的进口仪器完全毁坏,三间100m2 的实验室墙体遭到严重破坏,三楼西半