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当前国有企业脱困正在深入,推进厂务公开制度,这对于充分发挥职工群众的监督作用,遏制企业内部的消极腐败,加强党风廉政建设,促进领导干部廉洁自律,密切干群关系,维护企业和社会的稳定,有着十分重要的意义和作用。实践证明,厂务公开是落实依靠职工办企业,开展民主管理,凝聚职工队伍,广开言路,保证企业科学决策,有效节制少数人腐败的一剂良药,是当前企业深化管理,企业内部形成合力,促进企业改革发展的一条好措施。据了解,各单位自开展这一活动以来,在党政领导、工会组织、各部门参与纪委监督下,取得一定的效果,但也存在一些实际问题,引起职工担忧。这项活动能否真正开展下去,真正满足职工期盼,达到真正务实的效果,值得我们注意和思考。 At present, the state-owned enterprises are experiencing difficulties and pushing forward the system of publicizing factory affairs. This is of great significance in giving full play to the supervisory role of the masses of workers and staff, curbing the negative internal corruption in the enterprise, strengthening the building of a clean government, promoting honesty and self-discipline among leading cadres, maintaining close relations between cadres and the masses, Social stability, has a very important meaning and role. Practice has proved that making factory affairs open is a good medicine for implementing the enterprise relying on staff and workers, carrying out democratic management, pooling the workforce, opening a speech, assuring enterprises' scientific decision-making and effectively controlling the corruption of a few. It is the current enterprise's deepening management and the formation of a concerted effort among enterprises to promote A good measure of enterprise reform and development. It is understood that since the commencement of this activity, all units have achieved certain results under the supervision of party committees and leaders, trade union organizations and departments under the supervision of the Commission for Discipline Inspection. However, there are some practical problems that have aroused staff worries. Whether this activity can really be carried on and truly meet the expectation of staff and workers to achieve real and pragmatic results deserves our attention and consideration.
59型无线电雨量计这项仪器是用来装备无人雨量站的,它的—整套自动控制,收发讯号的装置是现代科学技术成就在水 59 radio rain gauge The instrument is used to equip una
芝麻苏打饼干  材料:低筋面粉150克、无盐黄油30克、牛奶90克、黑芝麻30克、干酵母4克、盐2克、苏打粉1克。  做法:  1.将牛奶与干酵母混合均匀,倒入低筋面粉中,再加入盐、苏打粉混合均匀,揉成一个完整的面团。  2.将在室温下软化的黄油加入面团中不断地揉和,直至面团变得光洁而细腻。  3.将揉好的面团用擀面杖擀成薄厚均匀的面片(厚度约0.5厘米),然后用饼干模具将面片刻成饼干形状摆在烤盘