,APEX2-tagging of Sigma 1-receptor indicates subcellular protein topology with cytosolic N-terminus

来源 :蛋白质与细胞 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivwsige
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Dear Editor,Deciphering the role of any protein in a cell requires knowledge of the structure,subcellular localization,and the topological orientation of the protein within the relevant cells.The Sigma-1 receptor (S1R) largely localized to the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) serves as a pluripotent intracellular signaling molecule with diverse roles in the cell including ion channel modulation,stress signaling,and transcriptional regulation (reviewed in Suet al.,2016),however,the basic topology of this protein within a cell remains controversial.
Dear Editor,Long non-coding RNAs (IncRNAs),defined as RNA transcripts longer than 200 nucleotides without the protein-coding ability (Caminci et al.,2005),share
在引人注目的昆虫群体中,叶虫和竹节虫能够惟妙惟肖地假扮植物的颜色、形状的本领可不是一般的大。它们凭借高超的拟态技巧和聪明的御敌之术,被誉为“丛林幽灵”“伪装大师”。  繁衍至今的“活化石”  根据化石研究,竹节虫最早出现于2.51亿-2.05亿年前的三叠纪,与直翅目昆虫有很近的亲缘关系。然而几个独特的解剖学特征把它们和所有其他新翅类昆虫区别开来,表明它们是一个独立的群体:比如,所有竹节虫的前胸都有
Dear Editor,Many human genetic diseases are caused by pathogenic single nucleotide mutations.Animal models are often used to study these diseases where the path
Dear Editor,Human Nucleolar complex associated 4 homolog (NOC4L,GenBank accession number NM_024078) is the human ortholog of yeast Noc4p.However,with few functi
Dear Editor,rnβ-Thalassemia is a common severe genetic disease caused by mutations in HBB and affects approximately 1.5%of the global population (Origa, 2017).
摘 要:掷标枪是投掷项目中较为复杂的项目之一,它的完整技术是主要分为4个环节。完整的投掷技术是一个衔接有序的整体,其各部分技术环节紧紧环扣,任何前一环节的细小失误都会对后继环节产生累加影响,从而最终导致标枪投掷成绩的不理想。该文通过对标枪运动中各环节主要重难点进行深入的分析,总结出各个主要环节要素的易错动作及纠正方法,以期望推动训练者水平的提高。  关键词:标枪运动 易错动作 各环节 分析纠正  
Dear Editor,rnPolycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is a common female reproductive endocrinopathy that afflicts up to 10%–15% of women in reproductive age worldwide
Dear Editor,Histone recognition by reader modules constitutes a major mechanism for epigenetic regulation (Jenuwein and Allis 2001).BAHD1 (bromo adjacent homolo