全面推进依法行政 大力促进劳动保障事业的发展——劳动和社会保障部副部长刘雅芝在全国劳动保障依法行政工作会议上的讲话(摘录)

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5月18日至19日劳动和社会保障部在广东省珠海市召开了全国劳动保障依法行政工作会议。张左己部长在会上作了重要讲话。张部长在讲话中阐述了当前全国劳动保障工作的形势和任务 ,提出了进一步做好劳动保障依法行政工作的目标和要求。张部长在报告中指出 ,现行的社会保障制度还不健全 ,突出表现在 :一是覆盖面比较窄 ;二是社会保障资金缺乏有力保证 ;三是管理服务的社会化程度较低 ;四是法律法规还不健全。他说 ,我们必须认清形势 ,抓住机遇 ,增强责任感和紧迫感 ,以坚韧不拔的毅力、百折不挠的努力 ,加快劳动保障事业发展的进程。张部长在报告中明确指出 ,立法工作是推动劳动保障工作的重要条件。依法行政的关键在于严格执法。在市场经济条件下劳动保障部门实施依法行政 ,更多地要靠监察执法手段 ,日益繁重的劳动保障工作 ,迫切要求监察执法发挥更大的作用。要做到依法行政 ,必须强化对政府机关和政府工作人员执法活动的监督。他要求 :要严格执行《行政复议法》的各项规定 ,认真履行行政复议法职责。要强化执法监督 ,必须推行行政执法责任制和评议考核制 ;要提高我们劳动保障队伍的素质 ,切实树立劳动保障部门勤政、廉政、务实、高效的形象。刘雅芝副部长就劳动保障系统推进依法行政工作进展情况和今后的 From May 18 to May 19, the Ministry of Labor and Social Security held a national work conference on the administration of labor security according to law in Zhuhai, Guangdong Province. Minister Zhang Zuoji made an important speech at the meeting. In his speech, Minister Zhang elaborated on the current situation and tasks of the national labor security work and put forward the goals and requirements for further improving the administration of labor security according to law. In his report, Minister Zhang pointed out that the current social security system is still not perfect, highlighting the following aspects: First, the coverage is rather narrow; second, there is a lack of strong guarantee for social security funds; Third, the socialization of management services is relatively low; fourth, laws and regulations Not perfect. He said: We must understand the situation clearly, seize the opportunities, enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency, accelerate the development of the labor and social security undertaking with indomitable perseverance and resolute efforts. In his report, Minister Zhang clearly pointed out: Legislative work is an important condition for promoting labor security work. The key to administration according to law is to strictly enforce the law. Under the conditions of a market economy, the labor and social security departments should exercise their administration according to law, and rely more on law enforcement measures and more and more labor and social security work. They urgently demand that monitoring and law enforcement play a greater role. To do the administration according to law, we must strengthen supervision over the law enforcement activities of government agencies and government workers. He demanded that the provisions of the “Administrative Review Law” be strictly implemented and that the duties of the administrative reconsideration law should be conscientiously fulfilled. To strengthen the supervision of law enforcement, we must implement the responsibility system for administrative law enforcement and the appraisal system. We must improve the quality of our labor security force and effectively establish a diligent, honest, pragmatic and efficient image of the labor and social security departments. Vice Minister Liu Yazhi’s Progress on Promoting Legal Administration under Labor Security System and Its Future
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