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你好黑暗老朋友我又来与你谈谈心只因曾有个幻影当我熟睡时分在我脑海播下种子这扎根在我脑海的幻影始终与寂静之声共存在无尽的梦里我独自一人走上石子的窄窄路径眼前苍白昏暗的街灯我竖起衣领拒绝寒冷与潮湿的光临只有那霓虹灯划破了夜空刺破了寂静之声在赤裸的街灯下我恍惚看见成千上万的人他们无声无息地交谈字字入耳却不需倾听他们谱写小曾有幸吟唱的歌谣从无人敢惊扰这寂静我轻轻说傻子你始终不知寂静就像癌细胞的滋长请听我话语也许我说出了些你应听到的抓住我双臂也许我想触及你的世界我的话就像无声息的雨滴会坠落沉默之井散尽它点滴回声人们伏身虔诚祈祷向那人造霓虹的神祗霓虹闪烁出一行字如同神迹对人们发出了警告声它说先知的箴言写在地下铁的墙壁和廉价公寓的门厅上在寂静之声里轻传《寂静之声》(The Sound of Silence), 是美国经典乡村民谣,由保罗·西蒙作词作曲。它和《斯卡波罗集市》(sarborough Fair)一样,是六十年代最受大学生欢迎的电影《毕业生》中的插曲,一个在片头,一个在片尾。前一首1966年同名单曲获美国排行榜冠军;后一首1969年获奥斯卡最佳电影 Hello, dark old friend, I came to talk with you again because my heart was just a phantom. When I was asleep, I sowed the seed in my head. The phantom that was in my mind was always with the sound of silence. There is an endless dream. I walk alone. The narrow path of the upper rock was pale and dim in front of the streetlight. I raised my collar and refused to come in cold and wet. Only the neon lights pierced the night sky and pierced the sound of silence. Under the naked streetlight I saw thousands of people. Silently talking words without listening to them. They compose songs that once were fortunate enough to sing. No one dares to disturb this silence. I gently say that you never know the silence. Just like the growth of cancer cells. Please listen to me. Maybe I say Something that you should hear, grabbing my arms, maybe I want to touch your world. My words are like a silent raindrop that will fall silently. It will make a bit of an echo. People will pray to the artificial neon god. The neon flashed like a miracle and sent a warning to people. It said that the Prophet’s dictum was written in the wall of the subway and in the foyer of the low-cost apartment. The sound of “The Sound of Silence” was heard in the sound of silence. Silence) is a classic American folk ballad composed by Paul Simon. Like the sarborough fair, it is the episode of the movie “Graduate,” which was popular among college students in the 1960s. One was in the opening and the other was in the opening. The previous 1966 song on the same list won the United States Championship; the next one won the Oscar in 1969 the best movie
思考:人类失去想象,世界将会怎样? 想象是蓝天上的流云,变幻莫测;想象是碧海中的浪花,千姿百态;想象是翠林里的鸟鸣,婉转清悦;想象是苍谷中的幽兰,吐露芳华。 Thinking: If
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2007年,澳大利亚悉尼大学大吴哥项目主任达米恩·埃文斯历八年多时间完成吴哥考古地图,这张地图显示了吴哥不是一个四处分散的庙宇的聚集地,而是一个完整的、相互依赖的乡村居住网络,这个网络,要比迄今为止所发现的前工业时代的任何人类聚居点都要大很多。    1860年,当法国自然学者穆奥,伸手推开巨大的树枝,想要抓一只美丽的蝴蝶时,却突然看见一张微笑的石头面孔,菩萨般地注视着他。  他,惊住了,不远处,
Mike: Welcome to my house. Come in, please. Look, this is our living room. Amy: It’s so big. Mike: Yes, it’s very big. I like it. I can play games in it. Com
目的:探讨G JB2基因突变在中国湖北地区非综合征型学语前聋患儿中的突变频率及主要的突变方式。方法:采集中国湖北地区986例非综合征型语前聋患儿血样,应用PCR技术扩增G JB2
目的 分析3种不同的手术方式治疗翼状胬肉的临床效果,探寻减少复发的最佳术式。方法第1组44例(46眼)行单纯翼状胬肉切除术;第2组44例(44眼)行带蒂结膜瓣移植联合丝裂霉素C湿贴术;第3组41例(41眼)行角膜缘干细胞移植术。结果术后随访观察6个月至2年。第1组有10眼复发、复发率为21.74%;第2组有2眼复发、复发率为4.54%;第3组有1眼复发、复发率为2.44%。结论带蒂结膜瓣移植联合应
通过观察函数 y=Asin(ωx+)的图象(一般都是其中某一段)求解析式,属于三角函数中的常规题.我挑选了一道习题布置给学生当做作业.例如图1,试写出函数y=Asin(ωx+)(