Because of the advances in therapies that improve the survival of patients with renal failure, the problems of renal osteodystrophy, which is not easily recoverable, are even more important. Bone disease is usually characterized by a slow progression of renal failure. It often develops subtly, and only causes symptoms in a small number of patients. Treatment of advanced bone malnutrition is more difficult, but the indications for early treatment are not very clear. If the use of powerful therapeutic drugs then the problem is more complex, improper use, can cause hypercalcemia or metastatic calcification. This article focuses on pre-dialysis treatment of bone disease. Pathophysiology Kidney failure of bone disease is caused by progressive hyperphosphatemia and vitamin D metabolism. As the glomerular filtration rate (GFR) decreased, the plasma phosphorus concentration tends to rise and the calcium concentration tends to decline. This constant internal disturbance can be corrected by an increase in parathyroid hormone (PTH) secretion, and PTH decreases plasma phosphorus by reducing renal tubular reabsorption. Depending on the level of PTH, calcium may also be mobilized from the bone