1997年8月20日晚,位于江西省南昌市东湖区苏圃路147号的南昌鑫日美食娱乐城、江西洪客隆商场发生一起火灾事故。南昌市消防支队调度指挥中心于21时13分接到报警后,先后调集31辆消防车、300余名消防官兵投入灭火战斗。大火于22时30分被基本控制,于23时45分左右被基本扑灭。 这起火灾由于灭火力量调度迅速,战术措施运用得当,参战官兵机智灵活、英勇顽强,防止了火势向周边建筑蔓延,保护建筑面积共计4104平方米,引导和
On the evening of August 20, 1997, Nanchang Xinri Food Entertainment City, No 147, Supu Road, Donghu District, Nanchang, Jiangxi Province, a fire accident occurred in Hongkelong Shopping Center in Jiangxi Province. Nanchang Fire Brigade Dispatch Command Center at 21:13 after receiving the alarm, has mobilized 31 fire engines, fire officers and soldiers more than 300 into fire fighting. The fire was basically controlled at 2230 hours and basically been extinguished at about 23:45 hours. The fire dispatched rapidly because of fire fighting forces, tactics used properly, the officers and men of the war tactical flexibility, courage and tenacity, to prevent the spread of fire to the surrounding buildings, protection of a total construction area of 4104 square meters, guide and