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钢铁技术服务企业为典型的劳动密集型企业,员工队伍总量大,员工队伍综合素质、技术能力直接影响着企业发展,是影响企业战略目标实现的关键性因素。因此,企业人力资源已成为钢铁技术服务企业的一种战略性资源,它既能成为企业长远发展的助推器,也能成为制约企业发展的瓶颈。而建立科学、有效、与企业战略目标匹配的激励机制是钢铁技术服务企业人力资源管理中至关重要的一环。应该从企业战略目标出发,充分辨识员工需求,运用多元化的激励方式,建立起适合钢铁技术服务企业发展的激励机制和制度体系,才能确保企业战略目标的实现,确保企业在不断变化的内外部环境中实现可持续发展。本文在对激励机制概念、构成要素及其作用进行理论阐述的基础上,分析钢铁技术服务企业人力资源现状以及存在的问题,最后针对如何建立合理、有效的钢铁技术服务企业人力资源管理激励机制提出了观点和建议。 The steel technology service enterprises are typical labor-intensive enterprises. The total workforce, the overall quality of the workforce, and the technical capabilities directly affect the development of the enterprise, which are the key factors affecting the realization of the strategic objectives of the enterprise. Therefore, the human resources of enterprises have become a strategic resource for steel technology service enterprises. It can not only serve as a booster for long-term development of enterprises, but also become a bottleneck restricting the development of enterprises. The establishment of a scientific and effective incentive mechanism that matches the strategic objectives of the enterprise is a crucial part of human resources management in steel technology service enterprises. We should start from the strategic objectives of enterprises, fully recognize the needs of employees, use a wide range of incentives and establish an incentive system and system suitable for the development of steel technology service enterprises in order to ensure the realization of the strategic objectives of the enterprise and ensure that the enterprises are constantly changing both inside and outside Environment to achieve sustainable development. Based on the theoretical exposition of the concept, components and functions of the incentive mechanism, this paper analyzes the status quo and existing problems of human resources in steel technology service enterprises. Finally, according to how to establish a reasonable and effective incentive mechanism of human resource management in steel technology service enterprises Point of view and advice.
11月26日,天津市电力公司召开“金点子”建议活动表彰大会,隆重表彰2010年十佳“金点子”建议和优秀“金点子”建议及“金点子”建议活动优秀组织单位。$$    2006年,天津市
伴随着自然对人类愈加严重的报复和人类社会自身内部矛盾的不断激化 ,人类的生态意识、类意识、人文意识日渐觉醒 ,进而宣告了以经济增长为核心的物质主义、经济主义社会发展