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2002年7月,在上级公安机关的正确指导下,在党委政府的大力支持下,经过近一年时间的艰苦侦查,祁东县公安局成功破获了以邓文斌为首的特大跨国武装犯罪集团案,抓获邓文斌、胡国君、张东明、李兴春、邹铁等25名犯罪集团骨干成员,破获持枪杀人、抢劫、盗窃枪支弹药、非法制造、储存、买卖枪支弹药和盗窃机动车等各类刑事案件312起,追缴赃车150辆,缴获手雷11枚、冲锋枪2支、销声器1个、步枪2支、手枪4支、子弹115发;遏制了武装抢劫境外某国际赌场、国内某银行,毒喷祁东县公安局机关大院,炸毁祁东县公安局白地市派出所等恶性案件和恐怖事件的发生。此案告破后,全国各级新闻媒体给予了高度关注,争相报道,中央电视台曾先后两次播报该案新闻。公安部、省公安厅多名领导先后批示要求对此案的成功侦破总结经验,表彰有功人员。回顾本案的侦破经过,确有许多成功的经验值得总结。 In July 2002, under the correct guidance of the higher-level public security organ and with the vigorous support of the party committees and governments, after nearly a year’s hard investigation, the Qidong County Public Security Bureau successfully cracked the case of a large transnational armed criminal group headed by Deng Wenbin. Captured a total of 25 criminal gang members including Deng Wenbin, Hu Guojun, Zhang Dongming, Li Xingchun and Zou Tie, and cracked 312 criminal cases involving gun-killing, robbery and theft of firearms and ammunition, illegal manufacture, storage, sale of firearms, ammunition and theft of motor vehicles , Recovered 150 stolen cars, seized 11 grenades, 2 assault rifles, 1 microphones, 2 rifles, 4 pistols and 115 rounds of bullets; contained an armed robbery against an international casino outside China, a domestic bank, East County Public Security Bureau organs compound, bombing Qidong County Public Security Bureau police station and other vicious cases of the vicious incident. After the case was cracked, the news media at all levels in the country gave high attention and scrambled to report that CCTV has twice broadcast the news of the case. Several leaders of the Ministry of Public Security and the Provincial Public Security Bureau have successively instructed the parties to crack down on the success of the case and summarize the experience, in recognition of the active personnel. Recalling the detection of the case, there are indeed many successful experiences worth summarizing.
自1993年1月至1995年9月,笔者用干扰能(美国先灵葆雅公司生产)联合化痰解毒扶正方(二陈汤加味)治疗慢性乙肝16例,疗效优于对照组,报道如下。 1 临床资料 32例均属门诊患者,
苏联共产党是一个拥有93年历史、1800万党员、执政74年、有着世界影响的老党、大党。这样一个党,曾经是我们学习的榜样,它也确曾在各方面给我们党以很大的影响。近些年 The
本文通过对暖通设计中常见问题进行分析,结合自身的工作实际情况,探讨暖通设计问题的解决对策,从而为促进暖通设计的科学化、规范化提供借鉴参考。 This article analyzes t