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建国以来,我们的经济运动,总的说来,是向前发展的。但并不都是良性循环,而是反复出现了不良循环。国民经济的发展,在良性循环与不良循环交替中曲折前进。出现不良经济循环的原因是多方面的,但最根本的则是我们违背了马克思所揭示的社会再生产的普遍规律。为了摆脱不良经济循环的困境,使国民经济步入良性经济循环的轨道,推进我国的社会主义现代化建设,就必须在社会主义经济发展的过程中,深刻领会和正确运用马克思的再生产理论。在这里,应特别注意以下几个问题。 Since the founding of our nation, our economic movement has, on the whole, been moving forward. But not all virtuous circles, but recurring bad cycle. The development of the national economy twists and turns in the vicious cycle of benign and unhealthy cycles. There are many reasons for the emergence of a bad economic cycle, but the most fundamental one is that we have violated the universal law of social reproduction as revealed by Marx. In order to get rid of the dilemma of poor economic cycle and make the national economy enter the track of virtuous economic cycle and promote the socialist modernization of our country, we must profoundly understand and correctly apply Marx’s theory of reproduction in the process of socialist economic development. Here, we should pay special attention to the following questions.
通过建立线性回归-时间序列AR(p)组合预测模型,提出利用前一年气象因子资料,预测翌年茶园主要害虫假眼小绿叶蝉(Empoasca vitis)活动高峰始盛期的方法,从而提前了虫灾预测的
AIM: To study the feature of pancreatic microcirculatoryimpairment, especially the initial changes, in caerulein-induced experimental acute pancreatitis (AP).ME
AIM To determine whether diabetic care can be improved by combination of voglibose and gymnemic acid ( GA ), we compared the combinative and individual effects
【正】 《晋阳学刊》去年第1期刊登了吴大英同志《三权分立与反封建斗争》,作者在第二节介绍资产阶级革命时期一些主张三权分立的思想家时,把卢梭与洛克、孟德斯鸠等人相提并
【正】 我于1901年4月12日(农历2月24日)生于江苏省江阴县夏港镇的一个小商人家庭.父亲吴焕若在镇上与人合伙开小米店.父亲童年失学,后来也没有念过什么书,因而家中没有什么
INTRODUCTIONThe origins of oesophageal surgery ,like most surgical treatments ,are based in the treatment of traumatic injury .The Smith Surgical Papyrus descri
【正】 过去有一个比较流行的说法:一九二七年八月七日在汉口召开的中央紧急会议上,撤销了陈独秀党的总书记的职务。毛泽东三六年同美国记者斯诺的谈话,胡乔木《中国共产党的
【正】 人民作家赵树理,是反映农民生活的铁笔圣手,农民的贴心人。下面记录的是他在平顺县西沟公社川底村的几件事情。走访一九五二年春天,赵树理离开北京来到全国农业合作社