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本研究是1984年在黑龙江省农业科学院,用盆栽,在不同生育期人工模拟旱境的条件下进行的。试验结果表明,不同品种的基础产量水平虽然不同,但其产量及产量因子对不同生育时期的干旱胁迫,有着基本一致的反应。也就是说,干旱胁迫对其相应时期的生长发育有较大的影响。如荚形成时期和鼓荚时期的干旱胁迫,致使秕荚大量增加,粒数减少;鼓粒期的干旱胁迫且导致百粒重的下降。荚鼓期的干旱胁迫造成产量大幅度下降,主要是因为粒数的减少和百粒重的降低等综合因素所致。但是其减产幅度的大小,因品种的抗旱性而异。如抗旱品种“呼80—1001”减产10%,对照品种“黑农26”减产17.9%,而不抗旱品种“绥农4号”减产39.2%。从总的趋势看,大豆基础细胞质膜透性,随生育期的进展,直至鼓粒期,均有增加的趋势,但质膜透性存在着品种间差异。在干旱条件下,细胞质膜的相对变化因品种,因生育期而异。荚鼓期的水分胁迫,对细胞质膜的伤害最严重,这与荚鼓期的水分胁迫对产量的影响是相一致的。说明,在干旱胁迫条件下,品种的质膜透性,与其抗旱性有密切的关系。 This study was carried out in Heilongjiang Academy of Agricultural Sciences in 1984 with potted plants under artificial simulated dry conditions at different growth stages. The results showed that the basic yield of different varieties although different, but its yield and yield factors of different growth stages of drought stress, there is a consistent response. In other words, drought stress has a greater impact on the growth and development of the corresponding period. Such as pod formation and drum pod drought stress, resulting in a large increase in the pods and reduce the number of grains; drum during the drought stress and lead to a decline in the 100-grain weight. Drought stress at pod and drum caused a sharp drop in production, mainly due to the combination of factors such as a decrease in grain number and a decrease in 100-grain weight. However, the magnitude of its reduction will vary depending on the drought resistance of the breed. Such as the drought-resistant variety “call 80-1001” cut 10%, the control variety “Heinong 26” cut 17.9%, while the drought-resistant variety “Suinong 4” cut 39.2%. From the general trend, the plasma membrane permeability of soybean basal cells increased with the developmental period until the drumming stage, but there were differences among the varieties in the permeability of the plasma membrane. Under drought conditions, the relative changes of the plasma membrane due to the variety, depending on the growth period. Water stress at pod and drum stage harmed the cytoplasmic membrane severely, which was consistent with the impact of water stress on pod drum stage. This indicated that under drought stress, the permeability of the plasma membrane of the cultivars was closely related to its drought resistance.
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