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  1. —I heard that the government had found ways to control the spread of the disease.
  —Yes, news came as comfort to us.
  A. the; / B. the; a
  C. /; a D. /; /
  2. Sally is said in a big company in Shanghai, but I dont know which company she worked in.
  A. to have worked B. to work
  C. to be working D. to have been working
  3. The professor and writer to give us a lecture on Henrys shout stories next month.
  A. is going; some time
  B. are going; sometime
  C. is going; sometime
  D. are going; some time
  4. So nervous that not a single word down in dictation.
  A. was Jimmy; did he write
  B. was Jimmy, he wrote
  C. Jimmy was; did he write
  D. Jimmy was; he wrote
  5. There are a lot of things harmful to teenagers on the Internet and the government should establish a system all the websites are responsible for their contents.
  A. where B. that
  C. which D. when
  6. To everyones surprise, our unbeatable school team the vital game.
  A. should have won B. should have lost
  C. should win D. should lose
  7. , I have to put it away and focus my attention on the interview for tomorrow.
  A. However the story is amusing
  B. No matter how amusing is the story
  C. However amusing the story is
  D. No matter how the story is amusing
  8. I could have offered you some help last weekend, but I with my work at that time.
  A. would be occupied B. was occupying
  C. was occupied D. had been occupied
  9. We failed to catch the train, .
  A. so they did B. so did they
  C. neither they did D. neither did they
  10. Recently a survey prices of the same goods in two different supermarkets has caused heated discussions among citizens.
  A. compared B. comparing
  C. compares D. being compared
  11. We had intended to do everything according to the schedule, but it didnt as planned.
  A. make up B. work out
  C. go on D. come up
  12. Michael put up a picture of Yao Ming beside his bed to keep himself of his own dreams.
  A. reminding B. to remind
  C. reminded D. remind
  13. —How much vinegar did you put in the soup?
  —Im sorry to say, . I forget.
  A. no B. no one
  C. nothing D. none
  14. he was ill, I was expected to take his place greatly surprised me, for I didnt have much experience.   A. If B. If that
  C. That D. That if
  15. Is it Dave Williams runs a website encourages people to protect the environment?
  A. who; that B. that; which
  C. who; where D. that; as
  A ruler of long ago had twin sons. As they grew to young manhood, the king sought a 16 way to designate (委任) one of them as crown prince. All who knew the young men thought them 17 in intelligence, wit, personal charm, health, and physical strength. Being a keenly observant king, he thought he found a characteristic in one 18 was not shared by the other. 19 them to his council chamber one day, he said, “My sons, the day will come when one of you must 20 me as king. The weight of sovereignty (统治) is very heavy. To find out which of you is better able to 21 cheerfully, I am sending you together to a far corner of the 22 . One of my advisors there will place equal burdens on your shoulders. My 23 will one day go to the one who first returns bearing his yoke like a 24 should.”
  In a spirit of 25 competition, the brothers set out together. Soon they overtook an aged woman struggling under a burden that seemed far too 26 for her weak body. One of the boys suggested that they stop to help her. The other 27 : “We have a saddle of our own to worry about. Let us be on our way.”
  The objector hurried on while the other stayed 28 to give aid to the aged woman. Along the road, from day to day, he found others who also needed 29 . A blind man took him miles out of his way, and a 30 man slowed him to a cripples walk.
  Eventually he did 31 his fathers advisor, where he secured his own yoke and started home with it 32 on his shoulders. When he arrived at the palace, his brother met him at the gate, and greeted him with 33 . He said, “I dont understand. I told our father the weight was too heavy to 34 . However did you do it?”
  The future king replied thoughtfully, “I suppose when I helped others carry their yoke, I found the 35 to carry my own.
  16. A. common B. fair
  C. serious D. strange
  17. A. equal B. unique
  C. excellent D. normal
  18. A. who B. what
  C. where D. which
  19. A. Forcing B. Inviting
  C. Calling D. Directing
  20. A. treat B. succeed
  C. consider D. regard
  21. A. bear B. support
  C. weigh D. increase
  22. A. universe B. palace
  C. village D. kingdom
  23. A. wealth B. honor   C. crown D. reward
  24. A. king B. farmer
  C. soldier D. minister
  25. A. fierce B. friendly
  C. energetic D. gentle
  26. A. light B. steady
  C. slight D. heavy
  27. A. commented B. announced
  C. protested D. suggested
  28. A. behind B. up
  C. on D. out
  29. A. money B. help
  C. encouragement D. advice
  30. A. brave B. fat
  C. lazy D. lame
  31. A. meet B. greet
  C. reach D. find
  32. A. safely B. casually
  C. tightly D. softly
  33. A. sadness B. pleasure
  C. terror D. anger
  34. A. gain B. carry
  C. reduce D. lose
  35. A. power B. energy
  C. strength D. force
  The high school student gets off the train from Qingdao, and walks into a plastic surgery clinic in Beijings central business district of Guomao at about 9 am on a weekday. The secondgrader, surnamed Wu, is accompanied by her parents, and is hoping to improve her appearance.
  With short hair and glasses, wearing a purple Tshirt, dark sport pants and gray sneakers, she says she is after medical advice about whether she should undergo surgical or nonsurgical procedures.
  Wu is one of the many high school students who get plastic surgery during summer and winter vacations. A few days before Wu came to Beijing, another high school graduate surnamed Guo had a breast enlargement procedure at the same clinic. Guo, who has been admitted to Beijing Film Academy, also had work done on her eyes and nose during the last summer vacation. The three operations cost her wealthy mother nearly 100,000 yuan. The goodlooking girl says she simply “wants to become prettier”, while her mother admits a better appearance may help her daughter find more acting opportunities in the future.
  “High school students usually arent so clear about what they want, compared to their parents, especially those who want their children to have a career in entertainment,” says Ding Xiaobang, a surgeon at the clinic, adding he never sees anyone “ugly” comes to his clinic. He says the most common operations are for double eyelids and nose jobs. He does not recommend that students under the age of 16 seek a sharper nose through surgery as their bones are stilling growing.
  Hu Xiaogen, a doctor, says it is safer for women above 20 and men above 25 to undergo plastic surgery. Besides being physically immature, Hu says high school students are less prepared mentally to make such decisions.   He says one 16yearold student pulled out of an operation, as she was afraid the injection to her eyelids would be too painful.
  “Parents should offer objective and reasonable suggestions to their children. Not all of them are suitable to become actors or actresses, even after they take the risk of undergoing plastic surgery,” Hu says. “Enhancing allround capabilities is the correct way forward to a prospective career.”
  36. Why did Wu come to Beijing together with her parents?
  A. To find opportunities in acting.
  B. To treat her nearsighted eyesight.
  C. To seek advice on plastic surgery.
  D. To enroll for Beijing Film Academy.
  37. From what Ding said, we can infer .
  A. parents wonder why their children need a plastic surgery
  B. girls who do surgery operations will become actresses
  C. parents having a career in entertainment prefer plastic surgery
  D. those who do plastic surgery arent ugly at all
  38. Which statement may Hu agree to?
  A. Plastic surgery leads to a good job.
  B. Appearance isnt everything.
  C. Actors or actresses dont need plastic surgery.
  D. There is no risk in doing plastic surgery.
  Yohoho and a whole lot of fun!
  Hello, friends! An interactive experience has dropped anchor at the Pirate Snorke Adventure.
  Help Captain Poseidon locate his treasure by finding the missing map pieces hidden at the bottom of our own lagoon (泻湖). While youre searching, be sure to see how many different types of fish you can identify. Were stocked with plenty, including tropical fish from all around the world! And when youre done, walk away with some booty of your own—a $2.00 arcade (游乐中心) card good at our Family Fun
  Designed for participants of all ages (children must be beyond diaper age, and accompanied by an adult if under 7), Shark Reef Lagoon offers an opportunity to experience the beauty and magic of tropical snorkelingright on Long Island.
  We provide everything youll need for an adventure youll treasure forever, including:
  * Wet suit
  * Life preserver
  * Souvenir pirate eye patch (海盗眼罩)
  Daily; 7/1, 2012 through Labor Day, 2012.
  Weekends; September
  11:30 am, 12:45 pm, 2:00 pm, 3:15 pm (Maximum 15 participants per session)
  Members: $31.50 plus applicable tax
  NonMembers: $35.50 plus applicable tax (Aquarium Admission MUST be purchased with Adventure)   Register online, by calling 6312089200, or in person.
  39. After joining Pirate Snorkel adventure, you .
  A. will have a chance to find treasure at sea
  B. are permitted to bring some fish home
  C. have to pay $2.00 for each fish you catch
  D. need to hunt for fish according to the map
  40. The underlined phrase “dropped anchor” in Paragraph l may mean .
  A. succeeded B. ended
  C. started D. continued
  41. According to the passage, diaper age may refer to a time .
  A. when you are still a baby
  B. when you are over 7 years old
  C. when you become an adult
  D. when you just 10 years old
  42. Who are intended for the passage?
  A. Explorers. B. Travelers.
  C. Sailors. D. Fishers.
  With the 2012 London Olympics just over a year away, a small town in central England is celebrating early, and with good reason. While the first modern Olympics took place in Athens, Greece, in 1896, Much Wenlock began staging its “Olympian” nearly 50 years earlier.
  The town of 2,000 about 240 kilometers northwest of London owes this legacy to Dr. William Penny Brookes, who first organized the games and promoted them for the rest of his life. Former International Olympic Committee President Juan Antonio Samaranch laid a wreath on Brookes grave in 1994, saying, “I came to pay respect to Dr. Brookes, who really was the founder of the modern Olympic Games.”
  The London organizing committee for 2012 also honored the town that dates to medieval times, naming one of its two official mascots (吉祥物2012
  ) for next years games “Wenlock”.
  “Brookes wanted sports for all, at all levels and over broad bases,” says Kirk Heywood, owner of the towns 17thcentury Raven Hotel.
  In October 1890, Brookes met Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France, widely regarded as the founder of the modern Olympics, over several hours at the Raven. The two spoke about de Coubertins wish to stage an international Olympic festival in Athens. Even then, de Coubertin was determined to make sure his games were strictly for amateurs.
  “The only trouble we have regarding professionalism is with the country towns money prizes are given very often for bicycle races,” the baron wrote in a letter. Amateurism eventually gave way at the Olympics, as professional athletes began competing in most sports.
  Much Wenlock today is as much as it was several centuries ago, lacking fastfood chains and any semblance of modern buildings in the town center.   Harold Langley won the Wenlock pentathlon gold medal in 1923 and competed for Britain in the 1924 Paris Olympics. Alison Williamson won the Much Wenlock archery silver medal as a l0yearold in 1981. She went on to represent Britain at the 2000, 2004 and 2008 0lympics, winning a bronze medal at Athens in 2004.
  Brookes died in December 1895, just five months before the 1896 Athens Games. He was born, maintained his medical practice.
  43. The town Much Wenlock became famous because .
  A. Dr. Brookes really started the modern Olympic Games here
  B. one of the 2012 Olympic mascots was named Wenlock
  C. it remains unchanged as it was several centuries ago
  D. it is a place which Samaranch visited in 1994
  44. We can infer that Brookes and Coubertin .
  A. didnt want the games to be competitive
  B. expected the games to be held for amateurs
  C. blamed the town for giving more money to bicycle races
  D. wished more professional athletes to join in the games
  45. The writer mentioned Harold and Alison to prove .
  A. England will achieve great success in 2012 Olympic Games
  B. Much Wenlock was a birthplace for British champions
  C. the legacy of the competitions has lived on
  D. more British players will come to Wenlock to be trained
  46. The main idea of the passage may be .
  A. small English town stakes claim to Olympic legacy
  B. Brookes was really founder of the modern Olympics
  C. a small town held Olympic Games in England
  D. Much Wenlock was the name of Olympic mascot
  The NewYork Times states that cheerleading is the fastest growing girls sport, yet more than half of Americans do not believe it is a sport. In addition, they fail to distinguish between sideline cheerleaders and competitive ones. Sideline cheerleaders main goal is to entertain the crowd and lead them with team cheers, which should not be considered a sport. On the other hand, competitive cheerleading is a sport.
  Competitive cheerleading includes lots of physical activity. Like gymnasts, cheerleaders must learn to tumble. They perform standing back flips, round flip full layout twists. Cheerleaders also perform lifts and tosses. This is where the “fliers” are thrown in the air, held by “bases” in different positions that require strength and cooperation with other teammates.
  Just as basketball and football have guidelines for competitive play, so does competitive cheerleading. The whole routine has to be completed in less than three minutes and 15 seconds and the cheerleaders are required to stay within a certain area.   Competitive cheerleaders goal is to be the best. Just like gymnasts, they are awarded points for difficulty, technique, creativity and sharpness. The more difficult a mount or a stunt, the sharper and more insync the motions, the better the score. Cheerleading is a team sport so without cooperation and synchronization (同步), first place is out of reach.
  So why do many Americans not think cheerleading is a sport? It cannot be because cheerleaders do not use balls or manipulate objects (if you do not count megaphones, pompoms and signs as objects). Wrestling, swimming diving, track, crosscountry, gymnastics, iceskating and boxing are recognized sports that do not use balls. Some people argue that cheerleaders are just “flirts in skirts” with their only job to entertain the crowd, but cheerleaders today compete against other squads and work just as hard as other athletes.
  Competitive cheerleading is a sport. It is a physical activity that is governed by rules under which a winner can be declared and its primary purpose is to compare the skills of participants.
  Hopefully, cheerleading will become as wellknown a sport as football and basketball, and even appear in the Olympics since cheerleaders are just as athletic physically fit as those involved in the more accepted sports.
  47. What is the primary purpose of cheerleading now?
  A. To make the audience feel amused.
  B. To cheer up the competitors on the court.
  C. To compare the skills of participants.
  D. To attract more people to watch events.
  48. What is the most important for cheerleaders to win a champion?
  A. They need to perform as gymnasts do.
  B. They have to entertain the crowd a lot.
  C. They should be energetic in the competition.
  D. They must understand how to work together.
  49. While competing in cheerleading, cheerleaders .
  A. cant perform more than three minutes
  B. are free to go here and there
  C. need to follow a set of designed actions
  D. usually use balls to add beauty to events
  50. The writers attitude to treating cheerleading as a sport is .
  A. negative B. supportive
  C. neutral D. disappointing
  Traditionally, customers may consider more about what they buy the product for. However, the image of product and the consuming circumstance have become the key points to attract customers awareness and stimulate their buying needs. Frequently, customers buy goods just because they are cute, lovely and unique. With a less emphasis on functional utilities (功用), the experience and imaginative space are placed into an increasingly important role. The image of products is emphasized, as well as the communication between products and consumers. Customer behavior, which appears to be focused and directed at the object and at pleasure, in fact responds to quite different objectives: displaced expression of desire, and the production of a code of social values through the use of differential signs. The reason for imageoriented customer behavior is probably that customers lifestyle has been continuously virtualized by paying much attention to “Virtual Reality”. The evidences can be traced from computer games and Hollywood movies, in which customers preference for fleeing reality is perfectly matched.   This change requires us to take efforts to enhance (提高) product image by integrating style, color, taste, shape and material, and communicate with customers creatively, imaginatively and innovatively, and enable them to enjoy the distinctive experience image brings. A need is not a need for a particular object as much as it is a “need” for difference. The typical example is Apple Computers IMAC, which has strong visual impact and outstanding dynamics. By this way, customer relationship can be set up through image, and brand can be treated as living that can transform people. Other examples commonly used are Disney Fairyland and Las Vegas, where new experience and imagination are fully demonstrated. In sum, consumption is negotiation, neverending conversation held in the languages of advertising, packaging, branding, fashion, and entertainment.
  Title: More Attention to the Image of Product
  Main comparisonsContexts
  Different aspects
  (51) about by people when they are shopping
  ● In the past, people think more about the (52) of the goods.
  ● People today are more easily (53) by the (54) of products and the buying atmosphere.
  (55) to promote sales.
  ● Traditionally, products may focus more on the functional utilities of goods.
  ● Nowadays, product image should be (56) and there should be more effective (57) with customers.
  More details worth noticing
  The (58) for imageentered behaviorInfluenced by computer games and Hollywood movies, peoples
  (59) is virtualized.
  (60) given to prove the importance of imageApple Computers IMAC, Disney Fairland and Las Vegas
  1. 每个人都需要朋友,如何交友极为重要;
  2. 要交朋友,首先要对别人友好。微笑是吸引别人的吸铁石 (magnet);
  3. 不管在何处,都能让陌生人感到你的亲切。要关心别人胜过关心自己,不要以貌取人;
  4. 设法记住别人的姓名;
  5. 与别人有分歧时,不要争吵,要商量;
  6. 不要相信那些在危机时刻背离朋友的人;俗话说“患难的朋友才是真正的朋友”。
  Hello, everyone,
  As we know, everyone needs friends.
  一、 1—5 BAAAA 6—10 BCCBB 11—15 BCDDA
  二、16—20 BADCB 21—25 ADCAB26—30 DCABD 31—35 CAABC
  三、36—38 CDB 39—42 BCAB 43—46 ABCA 47—50 CDAB
  四、51. cared / concerned 52. use / function 53. attracted 54. image 55. ways
  56. stressed 57. communication 58. reason 59. lifestyle 60. Examples
  五、One possible version:
  Hello, everyone,
  As we know, everyone needs friends. How to make true friends is very important to anybody.
  To make friends, you must be friendly to others. A smile is like a magnet that draws people. Smile at others and you are always sure to get a smile in return. You should do your best to make a stranger feel at home, no matter where he happens to be. Think as you are in his position and make him feel welcome. In addition, dont judge a person by his appearance.
  Try to remember others names, which will make them feel that they have made an impression on you. If you dont agree with others on certain matters, dont argue but discuss with them. Youd better think more of others than of yourself.
  Finally, dont believe those who leave their friends when they are in trouble because, as the saying goes, “A friend in need is a friend indeed.” (150 words)
摘 要:金融危机的爆发,影响广泛而深远。石化企业也面临着市场疲软、经济下滑的困境。全面预算管理作为为数不多将企业所有关键问题融合到一个体系内的内控管理方法之一,对石化企业完善治理机制、实现战略目标、增强企业抗风险能力、增强企业综合竞争力意义重大。  关键词:石化企业;全面预算;意义;措施    1 石化企业推行全面预算管理的必要性    (1)从降低管理成本来讲,全面预算管理在企业的经营管理中起着
目的 探究卵巢肿瘤核磁共振成像影像特征及临床应用价值.方法 选取2017年7月~2018年间本院收治的54例卵巢肿瘤患者为研究对象,均进行核磁共振检查,分析诊断准确率及影像特征.
[摘 要] 随着我国经济的发展,教育部门越来越关注职业学校的人才培养问题,也出台了相关的政策,希望能够提升职业学校在人们心中的地位,加强对技能型人才的培养,同时开展校企合作,为这一工作的深化打下基础。具体地说,对我国而言,各个行业都需要技能型人才,这也就使以培养技能型人才为主要任务的职业学校迎来了较大的机遇,也面临极大的挑战。但值得关注的是,对我国的职业学校来说,其在发展中往往仍然存在着一
建筑行业作业环境复杂,施工人员密集,劳动强度大,塔式起重机的良好机动性在建设中得到充分应用,对提升工程建设速度,减轻作业人员劳动强度, 降低工程成本发挥出重要作用.但是