Impacts of Different Stages of Nitrogen Dressing on Feeding Value of Forage Summer Maize

来源 :Agricultural Sciences in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:connine_li
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A trial of investigating impacts of nitrogen dressing at different stage on feeding value and physiological characteristics of forage summer maize (Ludan50) has been conducted by means of potted planting. The results suggested that biomass yield, grains yield and feeding value of all treatments were significantly raised compared CK without nitrogen dressing. Nitrogen dressing at the jointing stage for one time could raise the dry matter yield in terms of biomass, thus improving feeding value. Separating total dose of dressing nitro- A trial of investigating impacts of nitrogen dressing at different stage on feeding value and physiological characteristics of forage summer maize (Ludan50) has been conducted by means of potted planting. The results suggested that biomass yield, grains yield and feeding value of all treatments were significantly raised compared CK without nitrogen dressing. Nitrogen dressing at the jointing stage for one time could raise the dry matter yield in terms of biomass, thus improving feeding value. Separating total dose of dressing nitro-
This paper proposes a general plan and coordination strategy for robot system. The state space for robot system is constructed according to the task requirement
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