来源 :Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hhttllzz
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This paper provides a method for studying the penny-shaped cracks configuration infunctionally graded material(FGM) structures subjected to dynamic or steady loading.It is assumedthat the FGMs are transversely isotropic and all the material properties only depend on the axial coordi-nate z.In the analysis,the elastic region is treated as a number of layers.The material properties aretaken to be constants for each layer.By utilizing the Laplace transform and Hankel transform tech-nique,the general solutions for the layers are derived.The dual integral equations are then obtained byintroducing the mechanical boundary and layer interface conditions via the flexibility/stiffness matrixapproach.The stress intensity factors are computed by solving dual integral equations numerically inLaplace transform domain.The solution in time domain is obtained by utilizing numerical Laplace in-verse.The main advantage of the present model is its ability for treating multiple crack configurationsin FGMs with arbitrarily distributed and continuously varied material properties by dividing the FGMsinto a number of layers with the properties of each layer slightly different from one another. This paper provides a method for studying the penny-shaped cracks configuration infunctionally graded material (FGM) structures subjected to dynamic or steady loading. It is assumed that the FGMs are transversely isotropic and all the material properties only depend on the axial coordi- nate z. In the analysis, the elastic region is treated as a number of layers. The material properties are to be constants for each layer. By utilizing the Laplace transform and Hankel transform tech-nique, the general solutions for the layers are derived. Dual integral equations are then obtained by introducing the mechanical boundary and layer interface conditions via the flexibility / stiffness matrixapproach. The stress intensity factors are computed by solving dual integral equations numerically in Laplace transform domain. The solution in time domain is obtained by the operationally numerical Laplace in-verse. The main advantage of the present model is its ability for treating multiple crack configurations in FGMs with arbitrarily distributed and continuously varied material properties by dividing the FGMsinto a number of layers with the properties of each layer slightly different from one another.
人们普遍认为非财产损害赔偿问题只能发生在侵权责任中,这种观点的合理性值得质疑。本文旨在探讨违约之诉中主张精神损害赔偿的可行性、必要性,以及赔偿规则的构建。 It is
本文所介绍的热媒体余热回收技术,适用于从250~450℃的工业废气中回收和利用余热。本文着重介绍该项技术的基本组成及其在国外热风炉上的应用。 1.热媒体余热回收装置及其发
摘要:为了改变物理学习的枯燥和应试的教学现状,教师应激发学生求知欲,开启学生智慧,为学生创设良好的课堂教学情境,让物理课堂焕发生机活力,让学生动起来。本文以《压强》一课的教学设计策略为例,通过创设情境,激发学生学习兴趣;自主开放,鼓励学生自主探究;把握方法,引导学生理性思考;学以致用,让物理走进生活等环节,让所有的学生都“动”起来,只有让学生“动”起来,课堂才能“活”起来,构建美妙物理课堂。  关
大自然中,美无处不在。如何让学生走出教室,感觉大自然的独特之美,培养他们热爱自然,热爱生活的情感,体会劳动创造之美。我大胆的将乡土美术引入教学中,取得了一定收获。 In