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世界四大商街竞风流纽约百老汇百老汇大道是纽约的商业和文娱总汇。街长25公里,宽45米,南北贯通著名的曼哈顿岛,纵横有街道179条,令人眼花缭乱,人们要靠纽约时代广场等重要标志来辨别方向。这儿拥有1000个座位的大剧场,还有一条臭名远扬集成人电影院、夜... The Four Largest Commercial Streets in the World The Broadway in New York Broadway is New York’s business and entertainment hub. The street is 25 kilometers long and 45 meters wide and runs north and south through the famous Manhattan Island with 179 streets in vertical and horizontal lines, making it dazzling. People rely on important signs such as Times Square in New York City to identify the direction. Here has a 1000-seat theater, there is a notorious integrated cinema, night ...
环烷酸腐蚀是石油炼制工业中的一个重要问题。由于酸的种类和原油中其它组分的复杂性以及原油处理过程中温度和流体动力学等因素影响 ,环烷酸腐蚀规律比较复杂 ,迄今还有很多
A new compound containing discrete cationic and anionic complexes, [Cu(pyr)3]Hg2I6 (C30H24CuHg2I6N6), where pyr = 2,2-bipyridine, was prepared by the reaction o
多用途越野车近年来受到消费者的热烈欢迎,特别是小型越野车,以其性格低、性能好、用途广、耗油低等特点,广受年轻打工族的青睐。丰田公司的 RAV4(英文 Recreational Active
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1 发动机电控系统万用表检测的重要性快速准确地诊断发动机电子控制系统的故障,是正确维修电控发动机的前提,也是维修技术的重要组成部分。发动机电子控制系统的故障诊断方
With the great development of technology,translation technology exerts great influence on human translators because during their translation process,they may us
Two new ionone derivatives, rhododendrone A and rhododendronside, have been isolated from the alcoholic extract of the aerial parts of Rhododendron Przewalski