
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hdw1978
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HIV acquisition is significantly higher during pregnancy than in the postpartum period. We did a prospective study to estimate HIV incidence rates during pregnancy and lactation. Methods: We assessed 2188 HIV- negative sexually active women with 2625 exposure intervals during pregnancy and 2887 intervals during breastfeeding, and 8473 non-pregnant and non-lactating women with 24 258 exposure intervals. Outcomes were HIV incidence rates per 100 person years and incidence rate ratios estimated by Poisson multivariate regression, with the non-pregnant or non-lactating women as the reference group. We also assessed the husbands of the married women to study male risk behaviours. Findings: HIV incidence rates were 2.3 per 100 person years during pregnancy, 1.3 per 100 person years during breastfeeding, and 1.1 per 100 person years in the non-pregnant and non-lactating women. The adjusted incidence rate ratios were 2.16 (95% CI 1.39- 3.37) during pregnancy and 1.16 (0.82- 1.63) during breastfeeding. Pregnant women and their male partners reported significantly fewer external sexual partners than the other groups. In married pregnant women who had a sexual relationship with their male spouses, the HIV incidence rate ratio was 1.36 (0.63- 2.93). In married pregnant women in HIV- discordant relationships (ie, with HIV- positive men) the incidence rate ratio was 1.76 (0.62- 4.03). Interpretation: The risk of HIV acquisition rises during pregnancy. This change is unlikely to be due to sexual risk behaviours, but might be attributable to hormonal changes affecting the genital tract mucosa or immune responses. HIV prevention efforts are needed during pregnancy to protect mothers and their infants. We did a prospective study to estimate HIV incidence rates during pregnancy and lactation. Methods: We assessed 2188 HIV-negative sexually active women with 2625 exposure intervals during pregnancy and 2887 doses during breastfeeding , and 8473 non-pregnant and non-lactating women with 24 258 exposure intervals. Outcomes were HIV incidence rates per 100 person years and incidence rate ratios estimated by Poisson multivariate regression, with the non-pregnant or non-lactating women as the reference group Findings: HIV incidence rates were 2.3 per 100 person years during pregnancy, 1.3 per 100 person years during breastfeeding, and 1.1 per 100 person years in the non-pregnant and The adjusted incidence rate rates were 2.16 (95% CI 1.39-3.37) during pregnancy and 1.16 (0.82-1.63) during breast Pregnant women and their male partners reported significantly fewer external sexual partners than the other groups. In married pregnant women who had a sexual relationship with their male spouses, the HIV incidence rate was 1.36 (0.63- 2.93). In married pregnant women in HIV- discordant relationships (ie, with HIV-positive men) the incidence rate ratio was 1.76 (0.62- 4.03). Interpretation: The risk of HIV acquisition rises during pregnancy. This change is unlikely to be due to sexual risk behaviours, but might be attributable to hormonal changes affecting the genital tract mucosa or immune responses. HIV prevention efforts are needed during pregnancy to protect mothers and their infants.
患者26岁,G1P0,以"停经41+1周,阵发性腹痛5 h"为主诉入院.患者既往月经规律,5~7/30 d,末次月经2003年11月4日,未定期行产前检查,孕6个月时查血常规:白细胞7.6×109/L,中性粒细胞百分比62%,淋巴细胞百分比45%,血红蛋白120 g/L,血小板5.0×109/L.未进行其他血液系统检查及治疗,自感胎动好,患者未再随访及产前保健.既往身体健康,否认鼻衄及皮肤出血点。
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