Games Add Luster To Beijing

来源 :Beijing Review | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:weiqiangting
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When first chosen as the venue of the 29th SummerOlympic Games in 2001, the city of Beijing was filled with im-mense joy and excitement. Local residents felt that Beijing isworthy of the trust and respect of the international community,because it is a city that has blended a glorious ancient past withthriving present and bright future. When first chosen as the venue of the 29th Summer Olympics Games in 2001, the city of Beijing was filled with im-mense joy and excitement. Local residents felt that Beijing isworthy of the trust and respect of the international community, because it is a city that has blended a glorious ancient past withthriving present and bright future.
古老的石桥、流淌的小河、古意盎然的台门、曲曲折折的幽巷,一个个名胜古迹,一处处历史遗迹,一串串老旧的故事,到处散发着古越文化的芬芳,抒写着江南的诗意和灵气。 The anc
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