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在讨论这个问题之前,我们首先要明确几个基本概念:什么是植物新品种?什么是植物新品种保护?什么是品种权?什么是质押?在我国1997年发布的中华人民共和国国务院令第213号《中华人民共和国植物新品种保护条例》(以下简称《条例》)中的第二条对植物新品种的定义为:“植物新品种是指经过人工培育的或者对发现的野生植物加以开发,具备新颖性、特异性、一致性和稳定性并有适当命名的植物品种。”国际上对植物新品种都采取保护措施,其方式有两种,一是专利保护;二是专门法律保护。我国主要采取了第二种方式,即通过专门法律授予植物新品种所有权人在一定时间对授权品种享有独占权。这种独占权即品种权。这在《条例》的第三条中已有明确规定:国务院农业、林业行政部门(以下统称审批机关)按照职责分工共同负责植物新品种权申请的管理和审查并对符合本条例规定的植物新品种授予植物新品种权(以下称品种权)。质押是指债务人或第三人将出质的财产或权利交债权人占有作为债权的担保,在债务人不履行债务时,债权人有权以该财产或权利折价或拍卖、变卖所得价款受偿。品种权同专利、商标、著作权一样,都属于知识产权的范畴。对于种子这一特殊行业来讲,品种权不仅事关企业的发展,同时也是种子企业资产的一个重要的组成部分。因此,品种权质押担保贷款应该成为种子企业融资的一个重要渠道。本文拟就此略陈拙见,以供讨论。 Before discussing this issue, we must first make it clear a few basic concepts: What is a new plant variety? What is the protection of new plant varieties? What is the variety rights? What is the pledge? In 1997, the People’s Republic of China issued by the State Council Order 213 Article 2 of the Regulations of the People’s Republic of China on the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (“the Regulations”) defines the new varieties of plants as: “New varieties of plants refer to artificially cultivated or developed wild plants , With novelty, specificity, consistency and stability, and have the appropriate nomenclature of plant varieties. ”“ International new varieties of plants to take protective measures, there are two ways, one patent protection; the second is a special legal protection . My country has taken the second approach, that is, through specific laws granted to owners of plant varieties of new varieties of products at a certain period of time to enjoy exclusive rights. This exclusive right is the right to variety. This is clearly stipulated in Article 3 of the ”Regulations": The agriculture and forestry administrative department under the State Council (hereinafter collectively referred to as the approval authority) shall be jointly responsible for the management and review of the application for new plant variety rights according to the division of responsibilities and shall, Varieties Granting new plant variety rights (hereinafter referred to as breed rights). Pledge refers to the debtor or a third party will pledge of the pledged property or right to the creditor as a guarantee of debt, the debtor does not perform the debt, the creditor the right to the property or right discount or auction, proceeds from the proceeds of the payment of compensation. As with patents, trademarks and copyrights, variety rights all fall into the category of intellectual property. For the special industry of seeds, the right of variety not only concerns the development of the enterprise, but also an important part of the assets of the seed enterprise. Therefore, the variety rights pledged secured loans should become an important channel for seed financing. This article is intended to make a clumsy view for discussion.
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第一章总则rn第一条 为了加强农作物种子质量监督管理,维护种子市场秩序,规范农作物种子质量监督抽查(以下简称监督抽查)工作,根据(以下简称)及有关法律、行政法规的规定,制
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1 小麦品种发展的历史演变河南是我国小麦的重要产地,常年播种面积达466.7万hm~2,占全国总播种面积的1/6,其总产量约占全国的1/5。经过50多年的发展,全省小麦品种已经完成了