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今年初,浙江省商业系统开展学术讨论,其中对“商品销售入帐时间”主张,“等到收回货款后作为商品销售”的观点(刊《浙江会计》1986年第3期),(?),我有不同看法。在社会主义有计划的商品经济条件下,商品销售入帐时间,决不能采取“以收到货款作为商品入帐时间”的“一刀切”的硬性行政规定。我认为商品销售列帐时间,应该决定于商品的性质、特点、用途,买卖双方的意愿。例如: At the beginning of this year, the Zhejiang Provincial Business System carried out academic discussions, including the idea of ​​“inputting time for merchandise sales” and “waiting for the sale of merchandise after receipt of payment” (Journal of Zhejiang Accounting, Issue 3, 1986), (?), I have different opinions. Under the conditions of a planned socialist commodity economy, the time limit for entry of merchandise sales must not be to adopt the “one-size-fits-all” rigid administrative rule of “receipt of money as the time of entry of goods”. I think that the time for the sales of goods should be determined by the nature, characteristics, use of the goods, and the willingness of the buyers and sellers. E.g:
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Today everybody can look at this trial issue, in English, of China Foundry journal; this quarterly journal can now be read both at home and abroad. This is an
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<正> 本文称为"黄龙元年镜"的铜镜,是指湖北省鄂州市博物馆所藏的一枚黄龙元年纪年铭对置式神兽镜(图版伍,1)。称为"嘉兴元年镜"的铜镜则指中国历史博物馆所藏的一枚嘉兴元年纪年铭对置式神兽镜(图版伍,2),以及日本东京书道博物馆所藏和东京某氏个人所藏的嘉兴元年纪年铭对置式神兽镜
本文阐述了教师应注意对学生反思性学习能力培养的问题,具体策略有反思知识的形成过程,反思知识间的内在联系,反思解题过程,反思问题结论,反思自己对学习的认识和观点。 Thi