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  I would like to tell you all that you are all actually cyborgs, but not the cyborgs that you think. You’re not 2)Robo-Cop and you’re not 3)Terminator, but you’re cyborgs every time you look at a computer screen or use one of your cell phone devices.
  So what’s a good definition for “cyborg”? Well, a traditional definition is: “an organism to which 4)exogenous components have been added for the purpose of adapting to new environments.” That came from a 1960 paper on space travel, because, if you think about it, space is pretty awkward. People aren’t supposed to be there. But humans are curious, and they like to add things to their bodies so that they can go to the Alps one day and then become a fish in the sea the next.
  So let’s look at the concept of traditional anthropology. Somebody goes to another country, says, “how fascinating these people are, how interesting their tools are, how curious their culture is,” and then they write a paper and maybe a few other anthropologists read it, and we think it’s very 5)exotic. Well, what’s happening is that we’ve suddenly found a new species. I, as a cyborg anthropologist, have suddenly said, “Oh, wow, now suddenly we’re a new form of 6)homo sapiens, and look at these fascinating cultures and look at these curious rituals that everybody is doing around this technology. They’re clicking on things and staring at screens.”
  Now, there’s a reason why I study this versus traditional anthropology, and the reason is that tool use, in the beginning, for thousands and thousands of years, everything has been a physical modification of self. It has helped us to extend our physical selves, go faster, hit things harder, and there’s been a limit on that. But now, what we’re looking at is not an extension of the physical self, but an extension of the mental self. And because of that, we’re able to travel faster, communicate differently, and the other thing that happens is that we’re all carrying around little 7)Mary Poppins technology. We can put anything we want into it and it doesn’t get heavier, and then we can take anything out. What does the inside of your computer actually look like? Well, if you print it out, it looks like a thousand pounds of material that you’re carrying around all the time. And if you actually lose that information, it means that you suddenly have this loss in your mind, that you suddenly feel like something’s missing, except you aren’t able to see it, so it feels like a very strange emotion.
  The other thing that happens is that you have a second self. Whether you like it or not, you’re starting to show up online and people are interacting with your second self when you’re not there. And so you have to be careful about, you know, leaving your front lawn open, which is basically your Facebook wall, so that, you know, people don’t write on it in the middle of the night, because it’s very much the equivalent. And suddenly we have to start to maintain our second self. You have to present yourself in digital life in a similar way that you would in your 8)analogue life. So, in the same way that you wake up, take a shower and get dressed, you have to learn to do that for your digital self, and the problem is that a lot of people now, especially adolescences, have to go through two adolescences. They have to go through their primary one, that’s already awkward, and then they have to go through their second self’s adolescence, and that’s even more awkward because there’s an actual kind of history of what they’ve gone through online. And anybody coming in new to technology is an adolescent online right now. And so, it’s very awkward, and they, you know, it’s very difficult for them to do those things.
科技改变了我们的生活,这一点我想没人会质疑。它改变了我们的生活方式、交流方式,最后逐渐开始影响我们的思维方式和价值观。从什么时候开始,你无法容忍身边没有高科技产品的环绕?从什么时候开始,你开始使用各种科技手段解决生活中遇到的难题?  那么科技又为我们带来了什么呢?与其说是生活质量的提高,倒不如说是另一种依赖。可怕的是,这种依赖越发显得无可取代。你能忍受没有手机的日子吗?你能忍受不能上网的日子吗?你
你问我是否爱你  我如鲠在喉不能回答  我宁愿真诚地把你伤害  也不愿用谎言将你欺骗  其实我凭什么来评判  你的一言一行?  我才开始看到真实的你
1 Rib 嘲弄;开玩笑
你如此害怕坠入爱河  因為你的爱没有结果  每一次,每一次  你现在还像以前一样看待我们  好像我们说的话就只是个玩笑
在5月13日的一个纽约拍卖会上,安迪·沃霍尔的两幅自画像分别以两千七百万美元和三千万美元的价格成交。其实,早在1963年,他的作品《Eight Elvises》就曾以一千万美元的价格出手。而他的成功,源自我们大多数人都不会多看一眼的可口可乐的瓶子。    By the mid-1950s, Andy’s career in commercial illustration was really ta
我们的耳朵能够听到什么是一个生理或者医学问题吗?如果听力健全就什么都能听到吗?你再想想……    A Native American and his friend were in downtown New York City,walking near Times Square in Manhattan. It was during the noon lunchhour and the street
安迪·鲁尼是美国幽默作家,自上世纪70年代起一直是CBS强档栏目《60分钟时事杂志》(60 Minutes)的王牌主持人。他思考深刻,语言诙谐,以满腹牢骚的主持形象征服了一代又一代美国人。除了机智幽默的老顽童形象和丰厚的著作以及众多荣誉奖项外,安迪的勤奋和敬业一直为大家所称道。
大学诚可贵,就业价更高。也许没有多少人心甘情愿去当一名灰领,可灰领的工作在社会层面是分工所需,在个人层面则是稳定工作与收入的良好保障。我们一起来看看远在欧洲的英国是怎么做的。  现在是早上七点半,我们在英格兰北部坎布里业的温德米尔湖边。在我身后,一群年轻的运动员正在接受训练,准备代表英国在即将举行的世界技能竞赛上一显身手。不过,他们正在准备参加的可不是你想像的那些项目。这些人当中包括了理发师、工程