,Influence of maize straw amendment on soil-borne diseases of winter wheat

来源 :中国高等学校学术文摘·农学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoyueban
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A field experiment was conducted during the 2006-2007 wheat growing season at Baoding, Hebei Province, China, aiming at exploring the influence of different amendment rates of maize straw on winter wheat soil-boe diseases induced by Rhizoctonia cereali, Gaeumannomyces graminis and Bipolaris sorokiniana in field conditions. Wheat root vitality, ion infiltration, SOD activity, MDA content and microbial population of the tillage layer were measured. The results showed that the occurrence of three soil-boe diseases tested was significantly different under different amendment rates. During the greening stage and jointing stage, the disease indexes of three soil-boe diseases were reduced signi-ficantly by treatments at the maize straw amendment rates indexes of wheat common rot and sharp eyespot increased dramatically when the amendment rate decreased, and ion infiltration and cell membrane-lipid peroxidation level increased, respectively. In the mean-time, higher amounts of bacteria and actinomycetes ment, while a higher amount of fungi was recorded in the 15000kg·hm-2 amendment rate treatment.
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