A bottleneck-free model for P4P

来源 :Science China(Information Sciences) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guold
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Provider Portal for Applications(P4P) is a model aiming to incorporate(peer to peer) P2 P applications with Internet Service Providers(ISPs) and improve the performance of the both ISP and the P2 P applications. In this study, we have analyzed the relationship between the link traffic and the P-distance, which is the core interface of P4 P. In addition, the limitation of P4 P in dealing with network applications having bottleneck links is illustrated. Furthermore, taking link utility function as the optimization objective, we propose a Bottleneck-Free model for P4P(BFP), making the traffic produced by P2 P applications more homogeneous,which can reduce the peak link utilization, protect bottleneck links, and thereby improve both the network efficiency and the P2 P performance. We have built a simulation platform based on Bit Torrent and conducted extensive simulations. The simulation results demonstrate that BFP achieves a lower cost for ISPs and a better performance for P2 P applications than P4 P and native P2 P applications, both in intra-domain and inter-domain settings. BFP performs steadily in different topologies and swarm sizes, proving that it is scalable and easy to deploy. Provider Portal for Applications (P4P) is a model aiming to incorporate (peer to peer) P2 P applications with Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and improve the performance of the both ISP and the P2 P applications. In this study, we have analyzed the relationship between the link traffic and the P-distance, which is the core interface of P4 P. In addition, the limitation of P4 P in dealing with network applications having bottleneck links is illustrated. Furthermore, taking link utility function as the optimization objective, we propose a Bottleneck-Free model for P4P (BFP), making the traffic produced by P2 P applications more homogeneous, which can reduce the peak link utilization, protect bottleneck links, and so improve both the network efficiency and the P2 P performance. have built a simulation platform based on Bit Torrent and conducted extensive simulations. The simulation results demonstrate that BFP achieves a lower cost for ISPs and a better performance for P2 P applicati ons than P4 P and native P2 P applications, both in intra-domain and inter-domain settings. BFP performing steadily in different topologies and swarm sizes, proving that it is scalable and easy to deploy.
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