
来源 :石油勘探与开发 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dilon1120
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勘探早期,由于钻井数少、井距大,地质资料的限制,用常规方法建立的储集层砂体骨架模型很难合理地认识地下砂体的分布特征。为此本文提出地面与地下相结合,在储集层建库的基础上,用改进的布尔方法建立起具有多种岩石相的骨架模型,从而达到精细表征储集层砂体分布特征的目的。在实例中的克拉研究区只有4口井,井距最大几十公里,应用上述方法,先作野外调查,对不同岩石相赋于不同的宽厚比;再确定总的砂体和剖面面积的比值以及不同岩石相在剖面中的比值;经统计本段不同岩石相的厚度分布和纵横向上的分布概率,最后采用改进的布尔方法随机模拟建立多种岩石相砂体骨架模型做储集层描述和预测。其结果较好地反映了该区白垩系巴什基奇克组储集层砂体的分布规模、连续性和接触方式,同时证实了该方法建模参数选择的合理性和可信度。图2参11(李建国摘) In the early stage of exploration, due to the small number of wells, large well spacing and limited geological data, it is difficult to understand the distribution characteristics of underground sand bodies with the reservoir sand body model established by conventional methods. Therefore, this paper proposes that the ground and underground are combined. Based on the reservoir building, a skeleton model with various rock facies is established by the improved Boolean method, so as to achieve the purpose of finely characterizing the distribution characteristics of reservoir sand bodies. In the example, there are only 4 wells in the Carat study area and the well spacing is several tens of kilometers. Using the above method, field investigation was first conducted and different rock facies were assigned to different aspect ratios. The ratio of total sand body area to section area And the ratio of different lithofacies in the profile. The thickness distribution and vertical and horizontal distribution probabilities of different lithofacies in this section are calculated. Finally, a modified Boolean method is used to simulate and establish various lithostratigraphic sandbody models to describe the reservoir profile prediction. The results reflect the distribution, continuity and contact of sand bodies in the Cretaceous Bashijiqike Formation in this area, and also verify the rationality and credibility of the modeling parameters of this method. Figure 2 Senate 11 (Li Jianguo picks)
骨量减少及骨质疏松症是糖尿病慢性并发症之一 ,骨质疏松症的特点是骨量减低 ,网状骨质微构型的瓦解和骨的机械强度减少 ,致使发生脆性骨折的危险度增加[1] 。骨量减少如不治
本文根据电子系统中最小成本问题和最大可靠性问题各自的特点 ,提出了用实数型遗传算法求解有约束的非线性最优化问题的方案。数值计算表明 ,实数型遗传算法在求解电子系统可靠性最优分配问题上能获得比传统的优化方法更好的结果。
对管式反应器中的交叉混合流场进行了三维数值模拟. 采用分块结构化网格技术以及网格拼接技术实现了适用于复杂形体的分块结构化网格的计算程序,采用修正的k-ε双方程湍流模
本文用水热法制备出长 10~ 5 0 μm的纤维钛酸钡 ,将钛酸钡纤维与钛酸钡粉体复合 ,压片烧结 ,利用纤维的晶轴定向性和粉体的添隙效应制备新型功能材料 .通过SEM、HP4192A等分
文中提出了红外成像引信的计算机仿真方案 :首先是建立飞机的红外辐射模型 ,建立不同部位 (单层蒙皮、内有热源蒙皮、油箱 )的热平衡方程 ,进而得到相应波长范围内的红外辐射
针对网络控制系统中普遍存在的时间延迟 ,采用事件驱动方式对系统进行建模 ,并针对该数学模型提出了使系统达到均方指数稳定的控制律设计方法。仿真结果表明了所提出方法的有