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建立橡胶和塑料2种熔体在矩形流道中共挤流动的三维非等温有限元模型,采用有限元法数值模拟了PA6/EPDM的共挤流动过程,研究了橡塑共挤的流动规律以及入口体积流量比与复合材料层厚比的关系。结果表明:在共挤过程中,共挤界面会倾于向熔体入口体积流量相对小、熔体黏度低的一侧偏移,同时黏度低的熔体流动速度快;入口体积流量比的减小有利于减小界面偏移和界面波动。将模拟计算得到的层厚比与实验结果进行了对比,结果表明数值模拟与实验基本一致。 A three-dimensional non-isothermal finite element model of co-extrusion flow of rubber and plastic melt in a rectangular flow channel was established. The co-extrusion flow of PA6 / EPDM was numerically simulated by finite element method. Volume flow ratio and the relationship between composite layer thickness ratio. The results show that during the co-extrusion process, the co-extruded interface tends to deviate from the relatively small volume flow at the melt inlet and the melt viscosity at the low side, while the melt flow with low viscosity has a fast flow rate. Small help to reduce the interface offset and interface fluctuations. The calculated layer-thickness ratio is compared with the experimental results. The results show that the numerical simulation and the experiment are basically the same.
Slurry jets in a static uniform environment were simulated with a two-phase mixture model in which flow-particle interactions were considered. A standard k-ε t
Microcystis aeruginosa, generally occurring in large colonies under natural conditions, mainly exists as single cells in laboratory cultures. The mechanisms involved in colony formation in Microcystis
彩云之南,“一山不同族,十里不同天”,神秘的云岭高原生息繁衍着 26个民族;  苍山洱海,“山则苍茏垒翠,海则半月掩蓝”,大理是一个如梦如幻的胜境,而更多的听说大理、向往大理则是源于金庸的《天龙八部》;  从腾冲经大理到昆明,接近700km的路程让我们领略了红土高原上不同民族的风土人情,在大理盘桓的半天一夜我们则仿佛在尘世仙境中静谧地度过。  也许是由于工作的关系,最终深深印在我们脑海中的却是不辞