完美防守 卡纳瓦罗

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笑容未泛黄,你已赢得天下;泪水未流淌,却固住了06的过往。江山破碎,托着有痕的心伤流落他乡,尤文凋谢的石道上,还游荡着你剪不断的记忆。孤伶身影泻滴于万人景仰,难以填平离家在外的伤城。几番轮回,你终举起铭刻亚平宁条纹的大力神杯,垂载青史永不成灰。你已无悔,但爱不灭,伯纳乌的明月在记忆里并不皎洁,是意甲才让你完美,凭栏犹在,期汝早归……若意甲还在“平静”中延续,他也不会远走他乡,这位意大利足球史上第—个远赴国外淘金的当打队长,06年囊括了世界足坛最顶尖的三大奖项:世界杯冠军、欧洲金球、世界足球先生。阳刚英俊的笑貌、亿万人瞩目的事业、和睦美满的家庭、意大利队无人取代的地位、世界足坛至高无上的荣誉、还有一辈子享受不尽的欧元……,这个让全世界男人都为之羡慕和嫉妒的男人就是卡纳瓦罗。 Smile is not yellowing, you have won the world; tears did not flow, but fixed the 06’s past. Country broken, holding a trace of heart-ends, Juventus withered stone road, but also wandering you keep the memory. Lonely figure falling into the million people fall in love, it is difficult to fill the injured city away from home. Reincarnated several times, you finally put up the inscribed Apenin Stripes Taining Cup, vertical hanging blue history will never become ashes. You have no regrets, but love is immortal, Bernabeu’s moon is not bright in the memory of the Serie A is to make you perfect, the fence still in the early Ru Ru ... ... If the Serie A is still “calm” in the continuation of his Will not be away from hometown, the first in the history of Italian football - a gold rush to go abroad when playing captaincy, in 2006 won the top three world football awards: the World Cup champion, the European gold ball, the world’s football. Masculine handsome smile, hundreds of millions of people’s attention to the cause, harmonious family, the unparalleled status of the Italian team, the supremacy of the world’s football honor, as well as lifetime enjoy endless euro ... ... This man all over the world The envious and jealous man is Cannavaro.
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