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认识的主体性来源是认识论的一个古老而重要的问题 ,康德的独特贡献在于揭示了认识的主体性来源 :认识的主体性是基于先天具有的认识形式。黑格尔批判地继承和超越了康德的思想 ,第一次明确地阐述了主客体的双向运动 ,认识的主体性来源于实践 ,但他所理解的实践乃是绝对理念“实现善的冲力”,而不是客观存在的物质活动。恩格斯扬弃和发展了黑格尔关于应在认识过程中即在主体与客体的关系中考察认识能力的重要思想 ,指出认识的主体性来源于实践 The source of the subjectivity of cognition is an ancient and important issue of epistemology. Kant ’s unique contribution is to reveal the source of the subjectivity of cognition: the subjectivity of cognition is based on the innate form of cognition. Hegel critically inherited and surpassed Kant’s thought. For the first time, Hegel explicitly stated the two-way movement of subject and object, and the subjectivity of cognition came from practice. However, what he understood was the absolute idea of ​​“realizing the impulse of goodness” Not an objective material activity. Engels discarded and developed Hegel’s important thinking on the cognitive ability that should be investigated in the process of cognition, that is, between the subject and the object, and pointed out that the subjectivity of cognition comes from practice
梦者,思也。心异,则梦亦不同。 Dreamers, thinking too. Different minds, the dream is also different.
Football Wedding Two guys are talking about their boss’s upcoming wedding.One says, “It’s ridiculous. He’s rich Football Wedding Two guys are talking about
1.【原句】Now she’s too big to sleep in the house, so I made hera special pig house. 如今她太大了, 不能睡在房子里, 因此我为她建了一个特殊的猪屋。【解析】too…t
近年来,国际上的一些国家紧盯中国的军费开支,甚至有些媒体还使用了“中国军费开支跃进,世界为之恐惧”的渲染字眼。而事实上中国周边很多国家的军费近年来均呈上升趋势,世界头号军事大国美国更是如此。  周边国家的军费开支现状  军费,从广义上来说,就是一国用于军事方面的经费,其内容主要涉及军队建设、武器装备研发及制造和战争的经费。本文选取了中国周边一些国家作为主要分析对象,考虑到美国和澳大利亚在亚太地区的
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