For the factor of aircraft flying safety, some critical flight parameters must be limited within the envelop borders. Ho......
Correction to:Int J Disaster Risk Sci(2020)11:300-315 In the notes to figures......
A new control design for a morphing UAV based on disturbance observer and command filtered backstepp
Morphing unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) can manipulate its shape for excellent flight performance under different conditio......
Energy management strategies based on optimal control theory can achieve minimum fuel consumption for hybrid electric ve......
MOUNTAINS have been a prominent motif in the progress of Chinese civilization. They traditionally represent divinity and......
排除奔驰作为豪华品牌的因素,福特SYNC 2、雪铁龙Citroen Connect以及荣威inkaN et系统的设计难分伯仲。不过,从硬件旋钮设计上,福......
第7节吉普汽车四驱系统率型四驱系统名称四驱系统类型指南者/自由客Freedom-Drive适时四驱自由光Active Drive适时四驱大切诺基3.0......
Plan asymmetric buildings are very susceptible to earthquake induced damage due to lateral torsional coupling, and the c......
一个学生的翻译中有这样一个句子“...her daugther requestedthat she want to go abroadtofurther her study”,显然是想用虚拟......
This paper presents one of GPS Vehicle Monitor System on base of Web GIS technology,which is very important in vehicle ......
又一次进入 Star Trek 这个科幻世界,这次所玩的并不是 Elite Force 般的第一身射击,也不再是 New world 的即时战略。玩者将会驾......
Some Legal Issues Concerning Replacing the Armistice with a Permanent Peace Regime on the Korean Pen
At present,the security structure on the Korean Peninsula is on the eve of a historic change.It is an important task fac......
We cannot command Nature except by obeying her.-Francis Bacon(弗兰西斯·培根)钻纹龟的背甲上长着漂亮的圆圈和棱脊,它们一起......
The fast processing, seismic damage data extraction and loss evaluation from RS imagery acquired immediately after a des......
硬件配套及性能静电绘图/打印机·纸宽11或22毫米·点式或字符式·分辨率为每英寸200个点(X和Y两个方向) ·绘图速度3英寸/秒·打......
稀土钴永磁体的材料制法——Jorgen-sen,P.J.等(美国,加利福尼亚洲,Stanford,Stanford 研究所,材料试验室),《U.S.Air Force Syst......
BEIJING,already a compara- tively secure city,has taken special measures to ensure a safe Olympics.About four years ago,......
学报简介:《指挥与控制学报》(Journal of Command and Control)是中国指挥与控制学会和北方自动控制技术研究所共同主办的国内外......
乔布斯病逝,留下一个什么样的世界? 人人都用手指头 Command,打电话、上网、听音乐、玩游戏,一部电话成为现代大都市生活的重心。除......
The electromagnetic radiation will result in informa- tion leakage being recovered when computers work. This article pre......
Mustek CG-8000回想到十多年前,没有数码相机,没有MP3,没有太多的数码产品。那时候玩游戏要玩DOS Command,玩GUI有的是Windows 3.1......
Early detection of myocardial ischemia via electrocardiographic methods is important and challenging. In the study, base......
CMOS implementation of a low-power BPSK demodulator for wireless implantable neural command transmis
A new BPSK demodulator was presented.By using a clock multiplier with very simple circuit structure to replace the analo......
Q:I’m not a native English speaker.Can I teach English in China?A:Native English speakers are preferred but not require......
Variety is fundamental to all good writing. It is essential to holding readers’ interest. To maintain variety in writi......
To analyze the behavioral model of the command, control, communication, computer, intelligence, surveillance, re-connais......
Objective: To study the public health Emergency Operations Centers(EOCs)in the US, the European Union, the UK and Austra......
*表示雨的词汇:雨嗒嗒地下The rain patters.雨势不减It rains unabatedly.这里下雨多We have a lot of rain here.There is a lot......
In English, there are many phrases consisting of ......
AUTO CAD提供的基本图素有:点,线,圆弧,圆,文字,有宽度的线及多边形。本章介绍这些基本输入项命令的使用。所有这些命令全都需要......