目的 探讨腹膜透析患者四肢肌肉量变化情况,分析四肢肌肉量变化与膳食摄入的关系.方法 采用便利抽样方法选择北京大学第三医院肾内......
BACKGROUND Primary appendiceal tumors are histologically diverse and have an insidious onset and few specific clinical m......
<strong>Introduction:</strong> Appendicular abscess is a progressive complication of acute appendicitis in which the spr......
Peritonitis Management through Appendicular Perforation in the Department of Surgery Bougouni Hospit
<strong>Introduction:</strong> Appendicular peritonitis is a complication of acute appendicitis characterized by the spr......
Acute appendicitis is the most common surgicalemergency that we encounter. Adynamic Intestinalobstruction due to appendi......
Appendicular Abscess in the Service of General Surgery at the Teaching Hospital Gabriel Toure, Bamak
Objectives: To determine hospital frequency and to write the diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of appendicular abscess ......
Development of Feet Edema on Contact with a Cemented Floor in Specific Individuals with Genetic Pred
Edema is a sign/symptom which has origin diverse causes and mechanisms of installations. I do believe that it can be cla......
Aims and Objective: To develop a better operation for hypospadias patients with poor and bad quality urethral plate and ......