Since the signing of the Kyoto Protocol in 1997,the road to-wards international cooperation in responding to global warm......
The claim for metropolitan agriculture:institutional mechanisms and developmental divide compared in
Supporting agricultural development in urban environment has become a major concern of bursting metropolises,often linke......
Task 1 Looking for the most popular summer programs for high school students this year? Look no further. We reviewed a......
Increased Tibetan Plateau vortex activities under 2℃warming compared to 1.5℃warming:NCAR CESM low-wa
The Tibetan Plateau vortices(TPVs)are the major rain-producing systems over the Tibetan Plateau(TP).The activities of TP......
The 45th Paris Air Show kicked off on 15th, June at Paris Le Bourget exhibition center. China Aerospace Science and Tech......
“2月10-12日,经过全新品牌整合的Premiere Vision Paris旗下六个专业:Premiere Vision Yarns(纱线和纤维制品展);Premiere Vision......
Greater Paris is famous for its extensive metro and RER(express rail)system.By the end of 2006,there were 14 metro lines ......
巴黎饰钉(Clous de Paris)一直是西方高端珠宝与钟表的设计图腾,精巧且细小的金字塔格子多年来一直散发着无穷魅力。而应用在各品......
Paris—a dream city for many people!It’s a city of food and art.And since this summer,it has become a city of bicycles.......
[Objective]To select the optimal pollination period of Paris polyphylla var.yunnanensis.[Method] The pollen viability of......
近日,滨特尔阀门与控制在法国巴黎举行的2015世界天然气大会(WGC PARIS 2015)中推出了三款专为液化天然气(LNG)行业应用开发的阀门产品,......
莫里斯酒店(Ie Meurice)与卢浮宫只隔一条小街。但住在这家巴黎顶级酒店的4天中,我每天都会错进隔壁那家甜品店,调头回来,才发现旁......
法国旅行家 LudovicHubler 说:“即便你只有三天时间停留在法国,只要选对了酒店,你的行程也会法式无比……”在香榭丽舍晨跑如果一......
Maxim’s de Paris, Beijing In the late 19th century, Maxim Garcia opened a restaurant, Maxim’s, in Paris. On September ......
Believe it or not,a friend of mine’s sister just went to France with her husband to cap-ture the magic and amour
Paris, the capital of France, is located in northern France on both banks of the Seine River, 145km from the river’s mo......
Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view......
18th World Interfinish 2012 Date:14-16 November,2012 Location:Milano,Italy Sponsored by:International Society of Electro......
在巴黎美丽的塞纳河畔,有一幢古老的建筑与著名的卢浮宫隔河相望,这里就是巴黎铸币公司(Monnaiede Paris)的总部所在地。谈起巴黎......
雷诺全新豪华概念车Initiale Paris诠释了“获取智慧”的主题。这款全新旅行豪华概念车,承载了雷诺品牌将驾驶转变为旅行艺术的情......
il est doué.他很有天分! il est génial.他真是个天才! Il est le meilleur!他是最好的! je vous souhaite un séjour agréab......
The Beijing-Paris-London Bicycle Expedition 2012 was launched at a ceremony held at the Olympic Park in Beijing on the m......
PARIS MOU港口国控制委员会第35次会议于5月6—9日在加拿大召开,19个正式成员参加了会议,另外还有IMO、ILO、TOKYO MOU、USCG等组......
The article mainly discusses several essential problems of cold region pavement, including thermal cracking of asphalt c......
中国船级社2003年5月15日下发“关于PARIS MOU自2003年7月22日执行新要求的通知”。通知全文如下: PARIS MOU为加强对低标准船舶......
一年一度的巴黎国际博览会(92’ Foirt de Paris),5月10日在巴黎展览中心(Parc des exposinons de paris)降下了帷幕。本次博覽会......
自2003年年初以来,各PSC组织开展的港口国检查有趋向严格之势。就此,笔者提出几点看法,供大家参考。 1.PARIS MOU将自2003年7月22......
←↓KALLISTA Bacifiore厨盆采用全手工打造,凹凸有致的内壁营造出充满生机的花朵图案。纯手工打磨的饰面熠熠发光,在水流下还会呈......
在直击“MAISON&OBJETPARIS巴黎家饰展”导“100% Design伦敦设计百分百展览”之后,我们对2016年的色彩趋势进行了一些简单的预测。......
纵观近期我社船舶在日本发生滞留的方方面面,及2004年各PSC组织检查重点较往年或许有所不同的情况,提出以下几点供各船公司参考: ......
New York,London,Paris and Tokyo are Top Global Cities in 2012 A.T.Keamey Global Cities Index. Beijing and Shanghai may r......