The wavemeter can measure a wavelength of a tuned laser and an unknown laser. Due to the Doppler shift, the wavemeter op......
Liquid-level Measurement with Fiber-optic Low Coherence Interferometer: Micrometer-resolution Approa
According to the fact that the surface of liquid with low viscosity coefficient is a good reflection plane for a broadba......
Distributed polarization coupling in polarization-maintaining fibers can be detected by using a white light Michelson in......
A flat-top interleaver,in which a mirror on one arm of the Michelson interferomefer is replaced by a G-T resonator,is pr......
A sensing system,with Michelson-type fiber optical interferometer based on single fiber Bragg grating (FBG) as the refle......
A scheme of flexible colorless remote note with reflective semiconductor optical amplifier (RSOA) assisted Michelson int......
A compact fiber optic accelerometer based on a Michelson interferometer is proposed and demonstrated. In the proposed sy......
Phase noise characteristics of narrow-linewidth fiber laser and laser diode in unbalanced interferom
The phase noises of two narrow-linewidth fiber laser and laser diode are measured by using unbalanced Michelson interfer......
An optical microfiber phase modulator(OMPM) directly driven with low-power light is presented. Phase modulation response......
许多测定量块长度的干涉测量法(例如,用 Fizeau,Ksters 或 Dowell 型双光束干涉仪装置),都是应用静态测量器和静态的干涉仪反射......
(一)红外傅里叶变换光谱(FT-IR)的特点 1.FT-IR FT-IR是利用干涉谱的傅里叶变换取得红外光谱的技术,被变换的干涉谱是双光束Miche......
1.前言在角度测量中常常用到一些以 Michelson为基础的光学测量方法,它们具有高灵敏度,但测量范围有限。1974年,Chapman 研制成一......
A mathematical model......
A compact moving optical-wedge interferometer (CMOWI) is presented. This device consists of a moving optical wedge (MOW)......
Phase-Sensitive Optical Time-Domain Reflectometer Based on a 120°-Phase-Difference Michelson Interfe
A phase-sensitive optical time domain reflectometer(φ-OTDR) based on a 120°-phase-difference Michelson interferometer ......
A Michelson interferometer, on loan from EFDA-JET(Culham, United Kingdom)has recently been commissioned on the experimen......
A fiber Bragg grating (FBG) hydrophone with enhanced sensitivity is demonstrated. A novel piston-like diaphragm with a h......
We conduct a frequency spectrum experiment to investigate terahertz(THz) emissions from laser-induced air plasma under d......
Constructive disposition principles of the basic optical units of Michelson interferometers are used in making one-coord......
Based on the femtosecond accelerator facility at Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics (SINAP), a conventional far-infra......
Quantum key distribution(QKD) is a major research topic because it provides unconditional security. Unfortunately, many ......
光纤传感技术用于对工程材料进行力学性能测试 ,是近年正在发展的一门新兴技术 .本文重点介绍了埋入式光纤传感技术在复合材料和钢......
A high temperature sensor based on an ultra-abrupt tapered fiber Michelson interferometer fabricated by the fusion-splic......
We propose a new Fourier transform spectrometer based on programmable microelectromechanical systems(MEMS) micro-mirror ......
介绍了一种利用计算机采集并处理迈克尔逊干涉条纹的方法。该方法通过W indows系统下的数字视频工具包,对干涉图像进行视频捕获;针......
阿尔伯特·亚伯拉罕·迈克耳孙(Albert Abraham Michelson)1852年12月19日至1931年5月9日,是著名波兰裔美国籍物理学家,以测......
The general space-time composition was analyzed starting in ancient times. During the previous three millenniums, to exp......
For the first time, we report photoacoustic (PA) signal detection in a cell placed within the Michelson interferometer c......
A Reanalysis of the Two Swimmers Problem, as Frequent Model of Michelson’s Interferometric Experimen
The article initially reviews various works describing the physical model (PM) of Michelson’s interferometric experimen......